How to avoid becoming incontinent with small bladder


  1. Diaper Lover
Hello all, DL looking to try wearing more. I have a small bladder and am tired of constantly racing for the bathroom(not always easy in my city either). I haven’t ever had an accident, but also have to drink a lot because of some meds I am on so it can get close. Wanting to pad up to help with this, but as in the title, I don’t want to become incontinent. Am I overworrying?
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I'm in a similar boat. I wouldn't worry about it. You can become psychologically dependent on diapers but genuine incontinence requires something more, and even dependence requires more or less uninterrupted 24/7 for at least a year going by what I've read from longtime 24/7-ers, if that even happens at all. "Dependence" here meaning stuff like "I forgot I wasn't wearing a diaper and peed my pants," and in the most extreme case, getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to pee in your diaper to the point where you don't remember waking up on a regular basis and so going to sleep undiapered could result in a wet bed. But these are pretty intentional choices you have to work for, it's hard to accidentally become dependent to this degree.
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Agreed, it does take a while to become diaper dependent. If you hold it and only use your diaper when there isn’t the convenience of a clean restroom, you should be fine. To become diaper dependent, you have to let it go at the first sign of pressure building up. After a while you can start to leak but each person is different and true leakage may never come or you could completely untrained to the point of needing to be diapered 24/7.
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bixie said:
I'm in a similar boat. I wouldn't worry about it. You can become psychologically dependent on diapers but genuine incontinence requires something more, and even dependence requires more or less uninterrupted 24/7 for at least a year going by what I've read from longtime 24/7-ers, if that even happens at all. "Dependence" here meaning stuff like "I forgot I wasn't wearing a diaper and peed my pants," and in the most extreme case, getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to pee in your diaper to the point where you don't remember waking up on a regular basis and so going to sleep undiapered could result in a wet bed. But these are pretty intentional choices you have to work for, it's hard to accidentally become dependent to this degree.
Totally agree and I’m uic
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Urinary incontinence
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Atalanta said:
What is UIC?
moorey said:
Urinary incontinence
I wasn’t 6 months ago (I was like yourself for a few yrs ago) and then I realised after being caught short a few times I am actually incontinent so I’m now in nappies after trying pull ups they leak but I like my nappies they have given me my life back now if been wearing nappies for a few months now I have noticed just how wild my bladder actually is I’ve noticed that most of my work coworkers will use the toilet restroom 3 times a day I myself would be doing 15 to 20 visits so nappies are my friend not been an easy ride the mind is a tricky component try protection use around the house understand how your product you choose works I found that buying a few samples then choose then buy a pack before buying a case where the product becomes a good price help to chat anytime
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Yeah, feels like I go about every thirty minutes at least. It’s maddening and distracting from getting things done at times. Do you think it’s better to accept UIC or try to well, hold out, for lack of a better term?
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Atalanta said:
Yeah, feels like I go about every thirty minutes at least. It’s maddening and distracting from getting things done at times. Do you think it’s better to accept UIC or try to well, hold out, for lack of a better term?
These are topics that have been discussed in the incontinence forum. Most IC members, myself included, held off wearing 24/7 for as long as possible. However, everyone is different and I would seek medical advice on your over-active bladder (OAB).

From my experience, wearing diapers will not make you incontinent. Repeat, they will not make you incontinent! Incontinence is a symptom of an underlying problem. You mentioned small bladder. It may be your nerves and not actually your bladder. Whatever the case, if the situation continues, diapers, medications, and other things are simply ways to manage it. To give you your life back.
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moorey said:
I wasn’t 6 months ago (I was like yourself for a few yrs ago) and then I realised after being caught short a few times I am actually incontinent so I’m now in nappies after trying pull ups they leak but I like my nappies they have given me my life back now if been wearing nappies for a few months now I have noticed just how wild my bladder actually is I’ve noticed that most of my work coworkers will use the toilet restroom 3 times a day I myself would be doing 15 to 20 visits so nappies are my friend not been an easy ride the mind is a tricky component try protection use around the house understand how your product you choose works I found that buying a few samples then choose then buy a pack before buying a case where the product becomes a good price help to chat anytime
Same here , and one late evening I couldn’t get my pants down quick enough as was peeing my pants , had may very close calls before that
Been 24/7 for 2 years
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Thank you for the advice :) also do want to apologize if I said anything rude or whatnot. Don’t want to make light of what others go through.
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Atalanta said:
Thank you for the advice :) also do want to apologize if I said anything rude or whatnot. Don’t want to make light of what others go through.
I didn't see anything rude. You're wishing to protect your continence. Most people do.
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Atalanta said:
Thank you for the advice :) also do want to apologize if I said anything rude or whatnot. Don’t want to make light of what others go through.
Atalanta - I have only just read your post and all the responses to it. You don't need to apologise at all, nothing at all that you said was rude, or made light of other people's issues.
One of the great strengths of this community is that members have a wide variety of experience and knowledge that they are more than happy to share with others.
I hope you will explore what we have to offer here, and feel able to make further contributions yourself in the future.
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Atalanta said:
Yeah, feels like I go about every thirty minutes at least. It’s maddening and distracting from getting things done at times. Do you think it’s better to accept UIC or try to well, hold out, for lack of a better term?
Sorry to hear this. I respect your desire to stay continent, but if you’re needing to use a toilet every 30 mins or so, as you say, then wearing diapers may be helpful for you.

As someone who is medically IC and disabled, both my bladder control and mobility are very limited, and they fluctuate. I use a toilet when I can, but it’s often easier to use my diaper.

The best advice I can give is to use toilets when you’re near one, but if not, don’t be ashamed to use your diaper.

It also is worth getting checked by your doctor, as this is a genuine medical issue.

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace
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Thank you all. This is a very nice first experience with the community :) talking to my doctor isn’t a bad idea as well.
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Ya... I went to the Urologists and after having 2- urodynamics tests and tried many of the available drugs which gave me either no Help with controlling it or, caused Retention or did nothing for it.🙄 But, with Multiple Sclerosis Meds can help some patients and not others.
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Atalanta said:
Am I overworrying?
Yes. It is nearly impossible to have that happen. You're outer sphincter is a voluntary muscle that is mostly controlled by your subconscious. You have to have an illness/disease, medical condition, or injury for incontinence. Psychosomatics aren't going to make people incontinent.
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I am going to add one last thing here. I see that you list your residence as NYC. This makes your situation a lot more difficult.

It’s one thing to grow up, as I did, with OAB, living in the suburbs of relatively small cities. I can’t count how many times I’ve peed outside. Thousands. And, it’s easier for a guy to do this. It’s quite another living in a large city with bathrooms few and far between. Much harder. I’ve thought about what my younger life would have been like growing up in a large city, with parents who wouldn’t let me wear diapers, not pleasant, worse than my small city suburb struggles. Much worse. I wish you the best in your journey. Remember, diapers are just another type of underwear.
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Dinotopian2002 said:
The best advice I can give is to use toilets when you’re near one, but if not, don’t be ashamed to use your diaper.
I'm going to second this and say that if you are feeling an urge to go every half hour then definitely speak to a Dr, feeling the need to go every 30 or so is not normal for an adult bladder, even every hour is a bit much if it's all day everyday like that.

Most people without any IC will feel the need to pee around 8 times a day, it could be a little more or less than that as everyone is different but too much more could be signs of something else.

It may not even be that you have a small bladder but perhaps your bladder isn't emptying fully and you are retaining urine, it could be neurological, it could have other underlying causes (diabetes can weaken the bladder for example) there are so many different causes of UIC and sometimes it is not always possible to diagnose. One thing that is true though, simply wearing and using diapers will not make a person incontinent, those ABDL's who have sought IC by wearing usually need to put in significantly more effort to achieve it than just wearing everyday.

Sure if you are wearing 24/7 and peeing at the slightest urge and specifically trying not to pay attention to it and leaking as often as possible with no holding back it could weaken the muscles, shrink the bladder and train the brain to just release. But it takes work, conscious effort and a lot of desire and a long time (read as at least a year and possibly several) for that to happen.
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