ABDL while still living with family? (Questions)


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Recently moves places (about a month ago!!!), but honestly I'm so sad because I haven't gotten the chance to wear a diaper- or really any of my ABDL stuff in SO LONG!!
I wanted to wander back in here and ask, does anyone, mostly those who know the experience of being an ABDL whilst still living under your families household; have any tips to how to safely go about getting away with wearing diapers every now and again? Or in general ABDL + regression stuff, I have bottles and onesies but omg its so nerve wracking trying to get away with using them, feel like I'm some super-spy baby constantly wandering to check if someone's car is back in the driveway.
Also, where did(do) you personally go about hiding your things? For me I use under my bed and in a little storage space I have under my desk. I feel silly being 22 and having to sneak stuff about like a teenager, but obviously, its one of those things that wouldn't exactly be an easy sit down explanation, nor would I ever want to subject family to my personal stuff, it just isn't appropriate, y'know? 😖
Really curious if anyone has some advice on how to be careful- or even advice on what to do when someone does suddenly come home and you're in a diaper. (Also hearing yall's personal stories about this stuff would be super interesting if anyone wants to share.)

Sorry this post has a lot of questions attached to it, BUT, I hope to get some responses, hope everyone's having a good mothers day!
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When I lived with my parents I just kept a few packs of diapers on hand, but I would get them delivered from Amazon every month. When they asked what I ordered. I just said clothes most of the time. And I kept them under my bed and in my closet lol. But I'd wear at night and on weekends during the day when no one was there. A few times I fell asleep in the living room in my regular pajamas and a diaper, that would be wet in the morning, and my mom would be there watching TV, I had a blanket on but did not get up and go to my room until she left the room. Oh and disposal was sort of a issue. I would always have alot of trash my mom said.. which was used diapers. Also messy diapers were a issue because they would really stink ip the trash bin outside. But they never found out I had diapers or anything.
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It’s a tough one for sure. I only ever had one pack at my family home before I moved away and I kept it hidden really well and only wore when I knew I’d be alone. Does anyone know if there is any sort of memo or letter template that an abdl can use if found out, sort of like something you could maybe keep with your stash that explains how it makes you feel and why you do it, and has backing from other members here. Sort of like an explanation letter that a family member could read then then follow a link to something lie a sticky on ADISC where members could post their stories to help families understand?

Edited to add this link, maybe print this out and have it ready in case you’re ever caught:
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Traveler said:
It’s a tough one for sure. I only ever had one pack at my family home before I moved away and I kept it hidden really well and only wore when I knew I’d be alone. Does anyone know if there is any sort of memo or letter template that an abdl can use if found out, sort of like something you could maybe keep with your stash that explains how it makes you feel and why you do it, and has backing from other members here. Sort of like an explanation letter that a family member could read then then follow a link to something lie a sticky on ADISC where members could post their stories to help families understand?
I'm sure you could print something off like "if found" and have it read something explaining what abdl is
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we're in tha same boattt >///< I live with my mom and even thought she's gone most of the day and it's just me (we're like glorified roommates lowkey), I still haven't bought anything abdl related cuz im sooo nervous/scared. 😭😭😭
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No matter what you do, having abdl stuff in a shared home means they can be found. There's no way to sugar coat it. However, it doesn't mean that you can't have them. You have to decide if it's an amount of risk you're willing to take.

The biggest consideration is going to be safety. If someone was to find this, how would that person most likely react? If you feel there's a risk to your wellbeing, such as being kicked out or physically harmed, stop. No amount of desire to wear is worth it. Do not put yourself in harms way.

After that, consider the effects of another finding them on your relationships and the likelihood it could happen based on your own circumstances. For example, if the person you live with values your privacy and wouldnt ever dig through your things, the calculated risk might be worth it. If the person is nosy, you'll either have to be very vigilant about where you keep things or try to set boundaries.

My roomate, personally, claims to be respecting of privacy but isn't. However, I know he won't go through my closet because I explicitly told him not to. The reason I gave is true, but obviously not the real one. My cat tries to dig holes through anything cat related. I keep her extra food in there as well as puppy pads I put down under her bowls she loves spilling (ironically exclusively used for their intended purpose!) She has attempted to tear through the entire package before digging a hole, so I say to just leave it alone so she doesn't go on a spree destroying her stuff. Long made short my closet is safe and I can keep stuff there safely!

I'm the end it's going to depend on your circumstances but hopefully this at least gives some help
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Dry247 said:
When I lived with my parents I just kept a few packs of diapers on hand, but I would get them delivered from Amazon every month. When they asked what I ordered. I just said clothes most of the time. And I kept them under my bed and in my closet lol. But I'd wear at night and on weekends during the day when no one was there. A few times I fell asleep in the living room in my regular pajamas and a diaper, that would be wet in the morning, and my mom would be there watching TV, I had a blanket on but did not get up and go to my room until she left the room. Oh and disposal was sort of a issue. I would always have alot of trash my mom said.. which was used diapers. Also messy diapers were a issue because they would really stink ip the trash bin outside. But they never found out I had diapers or anything.
Oh man getting caught like that in the morning sounds so stressful. I had a close call once when I wore it at night at my old house and I accidentally fell asleep with it on, woke up to my mom just then leaving for work so luckily she hadn't come to see me or anything 😖. But yeah I only get the chance from 8am-2pm and at night when people are asleep. Its a struggle living with family- and omg yeah, especially also when dealing with disposal. Haven't messed a diaper, but I bet its difficult to cover that up given smell, even with just a wet diaper I get super paranoid and bag it up really tightly then shove it into the rest of the trash before taking it out.
With my packages I've gotten, only one slipped up and got noticed since it arrived late, had to say it was a personal gift from my partner, keeps their noses out of it that way- thank god for discreet packaging. 😰
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babydolllovie said:
we're in tha same boattt >///< I live with my mom and even thought she's gone most of the day and it's just me (we're like glorified roommates lowkey), I still haven't bought anything abdl related cuz im sooo nervous/scared. 😭😭😭
Oh man yeah :(!! Before we moved it was like that for me (cursed with living in a tiny mobile home, absolutely nerve wracking getting away with stuff in a house like that where the walls are paper thin and you don't have a lock on your door </3 LUCKILY she's also at work most the day- but now I have to work around her fiancé's work schedule, which he gets off WAY earlier, absolute nightmare.
I started off with managing to sneakily get baby powder, some realllyy cheap baby bottles, and a pacifier. I stuffed my pacifier in my pillowcase or in random spots I could think that WOULDN'T get noticed, and I remember stashing my bottles beneath my clothes in my closet. Sadly my mom found my pacifier once and I got mortified. I had to explain it away with my age regression (lot more easy to explain since I started that for therapy reasons, and its a lot easier for people to process I think vs discussing the abdl aspect of why I also like those things- at least for me!)
Maybe try starting off small like those items! Also- honestly before I could get any diapers on my hands, when getting stuff for my periods for example I just would get the thickest pads imaginable, close enough ig lol 😭.
CozyPups said:
Recently moves places (about a month ago!!!), but honestly I'm so sad because I haven't gotten the chance to wear a diaper- or really any of my ABDL stuff in SO LONG!!
I wanted to wander back in here and ask, does anyone, mostly those who know the experience of being an ABDL whilst still living under your families household; have any tips to how to safely go about getting away with wearing diapers every now and again? Or in general ABDL + regression stuff, I have bottles and onesies but omg its so nerve wracking trying to get away with using them, feel like I'm some super-spy baby constantly wandering to check if someone's car is back in the driveway.
Also, where did(do) you personally go about hiding your things? For me I use under my bed and in a little storage space I have under my desk. I feel silly being 22 and having to sneak stuff about like a teenager, but obviously, its one of those things that wouldn't exactly be an easy sit down explanation, nor would I ever want to subject family to my personal stuff, it just isn't appropriate, y'know? 😖
Really curious if anyone has some advice on how to be careful- or even advice on what to do when someone does suddenly come home and you're in a diaper. (Also hearing yall's personal stories about this stuff would be super interesting if anyone wants to share.)

Sorry this post has a lot of questions attached to it, BUT, I hope to get some responses, hope everyone's having a good mothers day!
Sure so speaking from experience now I'm free (more on that later) I do somewhat miss running around and the anticipation of wanting to wear it added to the suspense of everything and has it's own place in my opinion. For me I'd hide them in old boxes saved for warranty in my bedroom that my family would have literally no reason to check, other than that inside my beanbag/puffy and in old bags shoved under my desk.

As for when I got caught which I'm not going to get into or I'll be here forever it was just a sit down conversation and completely blew my expectations.
unnamed said:
No matter what you do, having abdl stuff in a shared home means they can be found. There's no way to sugar coat it. However, it doesn't mean that you can't have them. You have to decide if it's an amount of risk you're willing to take.

The biggest consideration is going to be safety. If someone was to find this, how would that person most likely react? If you feel there's a risk to your wellbeing, such as being kicked out or physically harmed, stop. No amount of desire to wear is worth it. Do not put yourself in harms way.

After that, consider the effects of another finding them on your relationships and the likelihood it could happen based on your own circumstances. For example, if the person you live with values your privacy and wouldnt ever dig through your things, the calculated risk might be worth it. If the person is nosy, you'll either have to be very vigilant about where you keep things or try to set boundaries.

My roomate, personally, claims to be respecting of privacy but isn't. However, I know he won't go through my closet because I explicitly told him not to. The reason I gave is true, but obviously not the real one. My cat tries to dig holes through anything cat related. I keep her extra food in there as well as puppy pads I put down under her bowls she loves spilling (ironically exclusively used for their intended purpose!) She has attempted to tear through the entire package before digging a hole, so I say to just leave it alone so she doesn't go on a spree destroying her stuff. Long made short my closet is safe and I can keep stuff there safely!

I'm the end it's going to depend on your circumstances but hopefully this at least gives some help
This is honestly such good advice, thank you so much. That's something I've really considered, I don't know if I'd ever be in any danger of being kicked out or physically harmed, though I'm a super paranoid person and the mere thought of being judged by someone like my own mom would be absolutely heartbreaking. I do definitely proceed with intense caution, and try to set up what spaces I can to make sure my stuff isn't found; but I've had my few embarrassing slip ups of luckily much less "crazy" items and man is it nerve-wrecking trying to not make any big slipups. I've been a bit stressed on my limited time alone and not having longer bouts of privacy, but I'll try to be mindful and find ways to make sure my private stuff stays private.

Thank you for your words of advice, means a lot!
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CozyPups said:
I've been a bit stressed on my limited time alone and not having longer bouts of privacy, but I'll try to be mindful and find ways to make sure my private stuff stays private.
To that end, I'd suggest not giving your family any reason to go digging around in or near your things. Some of the more basic strategies include being the one who cleans your bedroom, changes the sheets on your bed, empties your trash, washes/folds/puts away your laundry, etc.--all of those "pulling your own weight" kinds of things. You're probably already doing that stuff. More subtle strategies might include keeping your bedroom door open whenever possible, not seeming to "hide" when you don't have to, and being forthcoming about the highs and lows of your days. Basically, avoid appearing secretive and making your family wonder what's going on with you.

And of course all of that works in your favor even if you do get caught. ("Well yeah, diapers are weird, but everything else seems to be headed in a positive direction, so..." 🤷)

Best of luck! I moved out when I was 18, but by that time I'd been sneaking and wearing diapers for over 10 years. I'm familiar with the struggle.
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Dry247 said:
When I lived with my parents I just kept a few packs of diapers on hand, but I would get them delivered from Amazon every month. When they asked what I ordered. I just said clothes most of the time. And I kept them under my bed and in my closet lol. But I'd wear at night and on weekends during the day when no one was there. A few times I fell asleep in the living room in my regular pajamas and a diaper, that would be wet in the morning, and my mom would be there watching TV, I had a blanket on but did not get up and go to my room until she left the room. Oh and disposal was sort of a issue. I would always have alot of trash my mom said.. which was used diapers. Also messy diapers were a issue because they would really stink ip the trash bin outside. But they never found out I had diapers or anything.
Your mom know u have diaper didn't say anything because u hurt any one out there
I had them before I moved out and then when I moved back in to help with my moms illness I didn't change anything. I'm still with my father +3 years after my mom's passing.

I buy about a case a year, enough to fit in my closet. Everything else is in a large backpack. I wear when Dad is out, or I'm out by myself. At home, I typically am up late for work...so I indulge while he's sleeping.

I just don't make it obvious, so that means no scented stuff.
I am aware of the sneaking diapers under the noses of Mommy and Daddy.
But that was a long time ago for me, since Mommy and Daddy for me have been deceased for years.
Lostdiapersboy said:
Your mom know u have diaper didn't say anything because u hurt any one out there
No one ever knew
Cottontail said:
To that end, I'd suggest not giving your family any reason to go digging around in or near your things. Some of the more basic strategies include being the one who cleans your bedroom, changes the sheets on your bed, empties your trash, washes/folds/puts away your laundry, etc.--all of those "pulling your own weight" kinds of things. You're probably already doing that stuff. More subtle strategies might include keeping your bedroom door open whenever possible, not seeming to "hide" when you don't have to, and being forthcoming about the highs and lows of your days. Basically, avoid appearing secretive and making your family wonder what's going on with you.

And of course all of that works in your favor even if you do get caught. ("Well yeah, diapers are weird, but everything else seems to be headed in a positive direction, so..." 🤷)

Best of luck! I moved out when I was 18, but by that time I'd been sneaking and wearing diapers for over 10 years. I'm familiar with the struggle.
Thank you for the well wishes ! Luckily I manage pulling my own weight! Since I'm a jobless 22 yr old (lol), I handle all the house chores. But ill keep in mind some of your suggestions, try to act non-secretive too, only time I close my door is if I'm on websites like this or looking up ABDL stuff ! (Cursed to have a PC where the screens directly face my doorway :,)!
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There's a point at which the stress involved in making sure your diaper predilections remain hidden 'cancels out' the relaxation or pleasure you derive from wearing. I never tried wearing diapers when I lived at home - there were no adult disposables way back then, anyway - and although I had a very supportive mother, the risk of being 'outed' to my siblings was more than I could gracefully handle.

As Unnamed noted, if you hide it, someone can find it. From what you've told us, the time, effort, energy and expense of trying to keep some semblance of your ABDL existence just isn't worthwhile. Your best approach may be to begin planning for a graceful exit from beneath your parents' roof ... at which point you can pretty much do whatever you want.
quartz200420012 said:
I had them before I moved out and then when I moved back in to help with my moms illness I didn't change anything. I'm still with my father +3 years after my mom's passing.

I buy about a case a year, enough to fit in my closet. Everything else is in a large backpack. I wear when Dad is out, or I'm out by myself. At home, I typically am up late for work...so I indulge while he's sleeping.

I just don't make it obvious, so that means no scented stuff.
I can relate to only getting about a case a year, about half a year in with mine and have only used a few from the pack, I pretty much have to make it sort of a- special occasions event in order to get to wear them at all, or just be ridiculously careful. Tempted to look into just getting some quiet simple diapers, maybe akin to depends for something more easy to get away with incase someone gets home early. Currently only have some littleforbig diapers and wooooo are they loud and poofy :,)! Oh man and yeah, no scented stuff for me neither
sbmccue said:
There's a point at which the stress involved in making sure your diaper predilections remain hidden 'cancels out' the relaxation or pleasure you derive from wearing. I never tried wearing diapers when I lived at home - there were no adult disposables way back then, anyway - and although I had a very supportive mother, the risk of being 'outed' to my siblings was more than I could gracefully handle.

As Unnamed noted, if you hide it, someone can find it. From what you've told us, the time, effort, energy and expense of trying to keep some semblance of your ABDL existence just isn't worthwhile. Your best approach may be to begin planning for a graceful exit from beneath your parents' roof ... at which point you can pretty much do whatever you want.
Totally true, and thank you for your words. Currently, sadly, I'm in a spot where getting out from my parents' roof isn't likely to happen anytime soon (but I'm using what resources I can to get to that point :)! Just a long road ahead.). Although, for me, while the stress about trying to keep stuff hidden and sometimes over-ride the relaxation of it (during those times I've simply cut use of my stuff and gone MIA in the community), I have my sparing moment I get to indulge, so I do. Being outed is definitely something I'm not sure how I'd handle, nor do I know how it'd pan out (and it can be a bit of a risk), but admittedly, the times I get to be like this are one of the few where I feel like I am truly being myself and letting go of the outside worlds worries. Usually the stress only starts kickin' in if I'm doing it during the day, or the morning after doing it. (if I accidentally fell asleep with a diaper on.)

I'll keep in mind you and Unnamed's words though <3 Ik its always important to consider your mental health and living situation over wants and desires (admittedly this stuff does sometimes coincide with helping my mental health though so- sticky situation 🫠) but I'll be careful! It means a lot to get messages like this, just because I know that its important to consider whether its really a good idea sometimes to indulge if its just freaking you out, which, i've experienced definitely a few times. Trying to avoid that currently so that I can have at least some little moments.
I had the best bedroom situation as a kid in that my bedroom was the attic of my parents' house. They liked cape cod houses and since we didn't have a lot of money, the two houses that we lived in were quite small, two bedrooms in the downstairs. Since my mom wanted to make a dining room out of the second bedroom, I got to be upstairs. With cape cod houses, the upstairs is really the attic, the ceiling being the roof. Both houses had dormer windows and the last house had all these little closets in the eves. It was under the insulation in one of those closets that I hid my diapers. It worked for many years until my senior year in college when I got found out.
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