Recent content by GunLover94

  1. GunLover94

    Describe the Rubber Sheet on Your Bed Growing Up and How Long it Remained on Your Bed

    Mine had like an absorbent top and a rubberized plastic bottom. there were a few times i purposely put it to good use. and 1 or 2 times i accidentally put it to good use. I have never been able to find one like it. It would literally be dry to the touch when my sheets would be wet. I know i...
  2. GunLover94

    ABDL Regret

    I remember when I was in 6th grade, My mom gave me yearbook money and I instead rode my bike to a Rite Aid and bought depends. No Regrets. Also I got away with it.
  3. GunLover94

    who wet the bed as a child

    you were put into WHAT?
  4. GunLover94

    Tykables Playdayz?

    Is it just me, or are the Playdays like a direct copy of the ABU preschool?
  5. GunLover94

    Lack cloth backed abdl diapers available

    I would love for the ABU kiddos/Cushies (with front waistband) to come in a cloth like cover. everyone loves the plastic because that's what they had as a kid but I remember what I feel like the same as current production diapers and I would like something like them. sure do like the cloth...
  6. GunLover94

    Trucking While Diapered

    Can the DOT just inspect your truck? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  7. GunLover94

    Trucking While Diapered

    What do you do all day while you drive? Is there deadlines to what you deliver? I also feel that when i wear and drive it feels awkward to use the pedals. I feel that a thick wet diaper may make double clutching difficult. But you know ABU premium diapers rock. How would you even get them...
  8. GunLover94

    adult interests?

  9. GunLover94

    Some major changes.

    am jelly
  10. GunLover94

    Has anyone gone to another planet in diapers

    No, Not that we know of
  11. GunLover94

    to all My friends in the USA

    I would check the harbor for your tea
  12. GunLover94

    Ab/dl clothing

    I would like rear zipper sleeper that was available and fit adults
  13. GunLover94

    How many kids shows have done the "bedwetting episode?"

    I saw a bob's burgers with bedwetting.
  14. GunLover94

    DL's with S.O or married, would like your feed back.

    I just throw them away in the trash. Wifey don't really care. No kids BTW, it would be different then
  15. GunLover94

    Caught in public

    Pretty sure a group of guys busted me at movie theatre one time, but they didn't confront me cause I scooted out of there