Recent content by tomcat

  1. tomcat

    HELP!!!! Bladder causing compromised Mental disabilties

    Australia is becoming Americanised as the Government is cutting funding :'( as well as privatising health and Disability support even those that are on the government pension (borderline poverty line or under).
  2. tomcat

    HELP!!!! Bladder causing compromised Mental disabilties

    According to the Neurosurgeon, my injury has caused Disc degeneration as well as Lumbar Spondylosis L3L4L5S1. He stated that there was no treatment and no cure and referred me back to my GP to "manage" as nothing could be done, and my spinal issue would degenerate. And it was a real fight...
  3. tomcat

    HELP!!!! Bladder causing compromised Mental disabilties

    My mental state is due to frequency of waking up needing the bathroom at night hence sleep deprived is the issue
  4. tomcat

    HELP!!!! Bladder causing compromised Mental disabilties

    It is caused by my Spinal Disability, apparently (he has told me) never had continence issues prior to Spinal injury in 2009
  5. tomcat

    HELP!!!! Bladder causing compromised Mental disabilties

    Hi all The urologist took out the indwelling catheter last Monday, and my bladder has returned to pre-Botox but is a little harder to fully empty. I am up numerous times, as well as around 3-4 a.m., and cannot get back to sleep (even though I am on increased meds to help sleep). I still have...
  6. tomcat

    Where to buy tab nappies in store?? and they do discrete packaging
  7. tomcat

    Hello from Australia

    Hello from Sydney
  8. tomcat

    New to nappies from Aus!

    Hi Im from Down under as well (Sydney here) I am u-IC and wear plastic backed tabbed briefs/diapers/Nappies with diaper pilcher I get my nappies (medical reasons) from downundercare / littlesdown under in Australia (which are the only distributer in Australia for Bambino) I wear either the...
  9. tomcat

    void trial and hopefully Indwelling cath removal

    I cant self cath as well as I cant exactly "pleasure myself" with the indwelling cath. And finding out I may be either allergic to ADHD meds or Botox they used when they did Bladder botox as fluid in feet :'( TWOC ????
  10. tomcat

    void trial and hopefully Indwelling cath removal

    Hi all Monday morning I will have a void trial as had an indwelling cath in since 26th March what will I be walking into as well as hope to have the Cath removed finally? What do I expect after removal I have heard about uncontrollable bladder leakage (which is no big deal to me as always well...
  11. tomcat

    Adaptive Pants and catheter leg supporting bags

    Trialing a product like that while comfortable it keeps slipping esp while walking
  12. tomcat

    Adaptive Pants and catheter leg supporting bags

    Hi all Well another month atleast with this Foley/Indwelling Catheter in well I need something supportive to strap it better and more comfy as had an issue where it tugged a little and well blood in bag. I use a 500ml day bag and the supplied straps as so uncomfortable and irritates me (I gave...
  13. tomcat

    Where to buy Bambino internationally

    Hi I am wondering where to buy Bambino Ultra stretch internationally as may be cheaper than buying in Australia. does not ship here Many thanks
  14. tomcat

    Feel like a freak

    I ended up emailing my long treating Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychologist a lot of this incl asking for a mental evaluation as when I have asked for something just to allow my bladder to flow into diapers another solution is to self-cath or Indwelling catheter (omg such bladder relief from...
  15. tomcat

    Feel like a freak

    Hi all Currently in mental hell at the moment had Bladder botox (Bladder neck an Urethral Spinter on the 25 March) and had to have Indwelling Catheter due to retention issues on the 27th.OMG the relief from my bladder sensory issues Not having to wake up 4-5time per night to travel to bathroom...