Recent content by Wetshisbed

  1. Wetshisbed

    Sleep in wet nappy or fresh one every time?

    Sometime I just can't be bothered to change before bed. A soaking wet bed is almost certain but hey no.
  2. Wetshisbed

    Do you have any regrets going 24/7 ? IC reasons

    Bother vesicare and the alternative made my sight blurred due to dry eyes.
  3. Wetshisbed


    Absolutely. My wife suggested nappies when my incontinence became a problem. At first I was depressed about it but soon realised actually I quite like this and now almost 12 years on. Nappies are just a normal part of my life and save me from wet pants, soaking wet beds and as you say wet...
  4. Wetshisbed

    The most absorbant adult diaper as of 2024.

    I don't think any nappy will hold as much as the makers claim because they are not tested on real people. I think adult nappy makers should have real incontinent people testing them for them.
  5. Wetshisbed

    Do you have real night time dreams about diapers? I sure do.

    The only dream I had was years ago before I became incontinent. I dreamt that my wife had put me in nappies and plastic pants at night and told me I should wet the bed . About a year later I was incontinent and you have guessed it sleeping in nappies and plastic pants. I don't dream about...
  6. Wetshisbed

    Do you have any regrets going 24/7 ? IC reasons

    My Doctor was very surprised when I told him I was not taking the medication he had prescribed and just relied on nappies.
  7. Wetshisbed

    How many pees in your diaper?

    Three at the most. Four and a leak is more than likely
  8. Wetshisbed

    The nappies you wore as a child, does this influence what nappies you like now?

    I was in Terry nappies and plastic pants during the day until just before starting school at 5 and a lot longer at night. I don't wear terries now but wear tena maxi slips or similar but still wear plastic pants over them at night.
  9. Wetshisbed

    Diapers as a high schooler

    Never wore them to school but slept in nappies every night from be I g 15 because I still wet the bed.
  10. Wetshisbed

    Diapered at a concert?

    Wearing a nappy has to be better than what I saw at the Mandella Concert in 1988. We were in the seating area but everyone was stood up at the time. I looked down and saw a stream of pee trickling past my feet. I looked round and a very pretty girl in her late teens or early 20s was peeing...
  11. Wetshisbed

    Diapers going through airport...

    Going on to the plane at Manchester in the tunnel there was a security check and my bag had a cursory check. My nappies were there for all to see but so what the guy smiled and said no problem have a nice flight.
  12. Wetshisbed

    Anyone else just feel right in diapers?

    I have been in nappies for well over 11 years due to My incontinence. I realised a long time ago that this just feels right. I don't feel dressed without one now. And wouldn't dream of sleeping without one. I started off wearing them to contain my bladder leakage and ended up very much DL
  13. Wetshisbed

    How many diapers do you like to keep at your house?

    My sentiments exactly. I buy them from eBay when they are on offer or a bargain.
  14. Wetshisbed

    I'm in love with wearing nappies.

    We had a coal fired range in our kitchen and we all huddled round that. The water was boiled on it on a Saturday night for a bath in the tin tub.