Can people tell?

Can people tell when you are wearing a diaper under normal clothes in public?

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99% of the time? No one will notice unless you are wearing a pretty thick diaper. Though, sometimes you may want or need to wear a bit more protection, like on a longer trip where you wont get the opportunity to change. Happened to me one time where my diaper was invisible when I was dry, but after falling asleep and wetting during a long car ride, it swelled up to the point it was bulging and plain to see. Lesson learned lol
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Elros said:
So, I know I am very self conscious about being "discovered" when I'm wearing diapers in Public. I typically go all out in my attempts to hide my diaper. My girlfriend claims I'm ridiculous and nobody will notice even I wear under my normal clothes. So, I ask your opinion; can people tell you are wearing under normal clothes in public?
I feel a daily diaper is usually concealed well. It's the thicker ones get harder to conceal.
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I said NO, but with that said, I do not want anyone to see that I am wearing so I wear very discreet clothing with thinner less bulky diapers.

The thing is, when you are walking around are you really looking at peoples BUTTS? No, you are just walking around thinking about other things mostly.

So, take my advice from above and dont even worry about it. The fact that your GF supports you is wonderful... HAVE FUN with it.
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I am in my office in a wet Little Kings diaper, halfway through the day, and no one knows about my diaper, let alone a wet diaper. Work is a professional setting with casual dress and I have in a pair of regular fitting pants, untucked shirt, and a sweater-type vest. Sure, I have a modest wet bulge, but if a coworker stares at my crotch, that is more their problem and not mine with a wet "diapee."
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With appropriate clothing noone can tell as long as you don't wear some double boostered shenanigans.

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So I wear cloth diapers like 3 days a week. My wife and I can defiantly tell they are there and there is a defiant bulge but no one has ever said anything and I think to the untrained eye not would notice or even think about me wearing diaper. I know I can only think of two times of me seeing others wearing a diaper. One was an older gentlemen's whose shirt came up and I could see it plus he had a diaper bag right. The other one I only highly suspect and think it was a diaper but am not 100% sure. In face the only reason I even started looking was because he was wearing shortfalls and his shirt looked like a little shirt. In fact that is the only time I have ran into another person who I thought might be an ABDL.
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My wife used to try to guess if I was diapered. She was wrong 90% of the time. So if she couldn't tell when looking hard, strangers who aren't looking won't notice. Wear and relax.
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Unfortunately I work in an office where business casual is required. I wear slacks, and a tucked in dress shirt. I’m not sure if anyone has noticed m y diapers, I’m not getting treated any differently.
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I've told that story a few times, but it won't hurt to tell it once more here:

I once wore a BetterDry to office under a jeans and wet it so much it made me waddle. That's when one of my coworkers noticed there was something unusual, but she asked whether I had hurt my leg because my gait was so peculiar.

She's pretty attentive and courteous and I'm sure she wouldn't have said anything and just kept quiet if she really had recognized I was wearing a diaper. The fact that she dared asking me suggests that it's not easily recognizable.
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I have selected 'who cares' but in general no, I dont think most people notice anything beyond themselves.
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Honestly no one cares.. if I see someone who has a diaper on I don’t care. I’ve even seen people with Abu hats in public and like good for them. I have to much else stuff to worry about
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I voted yes because I'm sure some people will notice. I've had people stare at my crotch and butt especially while being really wet. I think the majority of people who notice something is off about your pants likely wouldnt even consider a diaper on an adult, but I'm sure some people will. I don't think pants can keep you discreet 100% of the time.
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My wife is pretty good at spotting if I'm wearing or not. But: It takes one to know one… Nobody suspects, a healthy adult person could be wearing a diaper, so nobody will be looking for them.
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Elros said:
So, I know I am very self conscious about being "discovered" when I'm wearing diapers in Public. I typically go all out in my attempts to hide my diaper. My girlfriend claims I'm ridiculous and nobody will notice even I wear under my normal clothes. So, I ask your opinion; can people tell you are wearing under normal clothes in public?

No, most people cannot tell. Most people don't go around looking at your crotch or butt. Those that do that still probably cannot tell unless it's specifically what they are looking for.
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Also, to add to that, even if they can tell, they probably won't say anything. Who cares about what some inconsequential stranger thinks? If you live your life in fear of what some random person thinks then ask yourself if you're really living to begin with.
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I also answered no. I have been wearing out and about in public for a long time and sometimes fairly thick types also. I do go through a routine to ensure that I dont "draw attention" to myself. Wearing loose fitting clothing and a top that is fairly long not super long but enough to cover at least half of my backside. Or you can wear a short top with a long hoodie or something. I also wear a snap crotch vest to stop any appearances above my waist band in the event of a sudden bend over or reach up.

I was also tempted to select "who cares". I tend to wear medical types anyway, I do find AB/DL print appealing but I think a medical brand is easier to explain away or thought about logically if seen by someone else. I may have been seen or noticed by someone before? Who knowns? They certainly didn't let me know that they had.
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00Steve00 said:
I also answered no. I have been wearing out and about in public for a long time and sometimes fairly thick types also. I do go through a routine to ensure that I dont "draw attention" to myself. Wearing loose fitting clothing and a top that is fairly long not super long but enough to cover at least half of my backside. Or you can wear a short top with a long hoodie or something. I also wear a snap crotch vest to stop any appearances above my waist band in the event of a sudden bend over or reach up.

I was also tempted to select "who cares". I tend to wear medical types anyway, I do find AB/DL print appealing but I think a medical brand is easier to explain away or thought about logically if seen by someone else. I may have been seen or noticed by someone before? Who knowns? They certainly didn't let me know that they had.
I occcasionally like to wear ABDL diapers since they are a refreshing change from the routine. I did so several times at medical examinations. It either wasn't commented at all or complimented in the way of "what a nice/beautiful diaper". So there is that.

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Generally, I don't think most people do. They are too consumed with their own lives to think about what is happening under your pants. Plus we are conditioned to filter out stimuli that does not fit. If I am at the mall and see something white sticking out of the back of someone's pants as s/he is bending over to tie their shoe, I am going to think, "Oh, that person's underwear is showing." Unless there is something that leads me to think that the underwear is not Hanes or Fruit of the Loom, it will not likely occur to most people that it is a diaper. On the other hand, when my father was in the hospital, I would frequently see people in hospital gowns open at the back and it was assumed they were wearing a diaper.
I wear traditional high waisted men's trousers supported by braces/suspenders so no, no one can see that I am wearing a nappy/diaper and rubbers underneath.... even with a well padded STR8UP.
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I’m sort of not sure, but my wife has definitely mentioned to me at least twice that “those ones you’re wearing today are very loud - you probably should use the quiet ones”…or something like that.

So yes, I guess people do notice :)

In my case I think she cares a lot more than I do ;-) It doesn’t really bug me if I’m giving off crinkle sounds, but I guess she is worried that if someone notices, I will be embarrassed. Nope!
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