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  • Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Introducing me


  1. Incontinent
Hey there!

I go by Wermaid here (like werebears, but for mermaids) and they/them pronouns. Day to day I'm at uni studying medicine. Other than that i'm a sucker for ridiculously comlicated strategy games and some chill games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Love arts and crafts. And a bit of warhammer 40k, but mainly for the lore and because it looks cool - haven't done any tabletop gaming.

I'm here becuase I've been struggling with bladder issues for a couple of years and now I've recently become incontinent. Looking for support in how to deal with this as there seems to be no good place for that anywhere else, especially for young people like myself. My main concerns right now is dating and intimacy when incontinent as well as how to wear clothes that give me gender euphoria while discreetly using incontinence products.

And that's about it.
Wermaid said:
Hey there!

I go by Wermaid here (like werebears, but for mermaids) and they/them pronouns. Day to day I'm at uni studying medicine. Other than that i'm a sucker for ridiculously comlicated strategy games and some chill games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Love arts and crafts. And a bit of warhammer 40k, but mainly for the lore and because it looks cool - haven't done any tabletop gaming.

I'm here becuase I've been struggling with bladder issues for a couple of years and now I've recently become incontinent. Looking for support in how to deal with this as there seems to be no good place for that anywhere else, especially for young people like myself. My main concerns right now is dating and intimacy when incontinent as well as how to wear clothes that give me gender euphoria while discreetly using incontinence products.

And that's about it.
Hey welcome here, sorry to read of your issues. Hope you have fun here😁👍🏻
Hello and welcome to the community. Thank you for the introduction. I'm not IC but others here are. I hope you find the support and answer to your questions here.
Welcome and enjoy
Hi and welcome. Impressive that you're studying medicine. I'm a professional musician.
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to the family my friend.