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Talking about AB/DL side


  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
Hello, I am not new to the forums, although this is my first post. I’m a 27yo little. I was adopted at birth and I think that’s where my diaper fetish stems from. I have some questions for some of you with experience and knowledge. I’m currently in a mental health rehab facility where we share about what’s going on in our daily lives, and I’m constantly thinking about diapers and the benefits it has on my mental health which makes me want to bring it to the table to process.
I currently have a diaper on, it’s 1:00am when I am writing this. Diapers are always on my mind it’s something I am always thinking about and despite them telling me I shouldn’t wear them while I’m here, I am.

My question is this: I really don’t want to bring up and mention my diaper wearing to my process group (6 men) but I am conflicted because it is a part of me I can not deny. I feel like not processing my emotions around it is hindering me as this stems from my childhood and needs to be addressed to get better. I don’t want it to go away, I just want to find peace in it and possibly get other’s opinions. So should I mention my alter ego (little side) as I call it to try and release this weight upon my shoulders? Or just keep it bottled up and hidden in the closet like it’s been for 27years. I really don’t know what to do to get better.
I’ve got a therapist I am going to bounce this off of as well.

My adopted family always shuned me for this, told me how f***ed up I was because of it. As a result, I have become extremely closeted and I’m trying to help to allow me to be myself now that I am away from them but I am having quite a bit of difficulty. I look at diapers as such a bad thing because of the way my family reacted to when they found out (without me wanting them to) when I was roughly 12yo.

Thank you,
John H
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Hello and Welcome
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Welcome and enjoy
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linkins1996 said:
Hello, I am not new to the forums, although this is my first post. I’m a 27yo little. I was adopted at birth and I think that’s where my diaper fetish stems from. I have some questions for some of you with experience and knowledge. I’m currently in a mental health rehab facility where we share about what’s going on in our daily lives, and I’m constantly thinking about diapers and the benefits it has on my mental health which makes me want to bring it to the table to process.
I currently have a diaper on, it’s 1:00am when I am writing this. Diapers are always on my mind it’s something I am always thinking about and despite them telling me I shouldn’t wear them while I’m here, I am.

My question is this: I really don’t want to bring up and mention my diaper wearing to my process group (6 men) but I am conflicted because it is a part of me I can not deny. I feel like not processing my emotions around it is hindering me as this stems from my childhood and needs to be addressed to get better. I don’t want it to go away, I just want to find peace in it and possibly get other’s opinions. So should I mention my alter ego (little side) as I call it to try and release this weight upon my shoulders? Or just keep it bottled up and hidden in the closet like it’s been for 27years. I really don’t know what to do to get better.
I’ve got a therapist I am going to bounce this off of as well.

My adopted family always shuned me for this, told me how f***ed up I was because of it. As a result, I have become extremely closeted and I’m trying to help to allow me to be myself now that I am away from them but I am having quite a bit of difficulty. I look at diapers as such a bad thing because of the way my family reacted to when they found out (without me wanting them to) when I was roughly 12yo.

Thank you,
John H
Hello and welcome.
If you feel you’d benefit from others knowing of your thoughts on nappies/ diapers, then yes, but for me, I’m happy wearing nappies. My wife knows I love to wear, but I wouldn’t want anyone else to know. I used to feel shame and guilt, but now I don’t care, I don’t promote or want anyone else to see what I like, I just get on with it. Wearing makes me feel happy and secure and that’s how I like to feel. Hope this helps.
Good luck with your issues.👍🏻
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Hi hi,
I work in the mental health field, I don't think it's something that I'd share in a regular group setting but it's something that I share with health care providers including mental health. I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience. But you're here now and I'm happy you had the courage to speak up and share.
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All I can say is I don’t know where my mental health would be without having nappies in my life, it makes me so happy, I feel so safe and secure wearing them and it’s a massive part of my life. Some of my family and friends know I am ABDL and everyone has been really cool about it it’s not something that anyone ever mentions to me now, but I feel better that if anyone does notice I’m wearing a nappy now, it’s no big deal as my mum said to me, I am not doing anybody any harm, if it makes me happy then I should carry on wearing them and if I’m happy she’s happy
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linkins1996 said:
Diapers are always on my mind it’s something I am always thinking about and despite them telling me I shouldn’t wear them while I’m here, I am.

I am conflicted because it is a part of me I can not deny. I feel like not processing my emotions around it is hindering me as this stems from my childhood and needs to be addressed to get better. I don’t want it to go away, I just want to find peace in it and possibly get other’s opinions. … I really don’t know what to do to get better. I’ve got a therapist I am going to bounce this off of as well.

My adopted family always shuned me for this, told me how f***ed up I was because of it. As a result, I have become extremely closeted and I’m trying to help to allow me to be myself now…
Hey John,

Sorry to hear of your struggles, and especially sorry to hear of how others have judged you for being you and have not allowed you to be at peace with yourself. It sounds like you may have internalised some of the negative scripts that others have imposed upon you (don't we all as kids and growing up?).

I don't know if you're much of a reader, but I recommend Dr. Rhoda Lipscombe's insights into what makes you who you are. She did a PhD on this topic (AB/DL), but her book is very easily readable (and not too many pages), and helps to give some kind and healthy positive perspectives on living as an AB/DL.

You can find a copy here:

Highly recommended.

I'd hesitate to bring this up in a process group and risk a lot more negative words, unless you know the group are exceptionally welcoming of fringe fetishes and such. If you have a kink–positive therapist, that might be a better option.

Note: I'm not saying it is a fetish or kink for you, it may just be a coping mechanism, or comfort. Either way it is harmless (you're wearing a diaper, not going around killing people), but people tend to be freaked out and rejecting of things they don't understand.

Anyway, I hope this helps, and you can find peace. You be you. You're OK!
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Thanks you all for your welcoming comments. I think I’m going to address it with my therapist and refrain from mentioning it from the group. I’m going to get that book as I think it will really help me. So glad I broke the ice and made my first post!
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linkins1996 said:
Thanks you all for your welcoming comments. I think I’m going to address it with my therapist and refrain from mentioning it from the group. I’m going to get that book as I think it will really help me. So glad I broke the ice and made my first post!
Think it’s a wise move. Hope you have fun here with us all 👍🏻
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i did 30 years of therapy and the group knew about my wanting diapers. it was never supported my need. it was always "
move on" or "you'll never find someone who will do that with you" but insead after i left the therapy group i found this group and some other sites and i am much happier than i ever have been. i would accept that the diapers and a need for them is just part of you. move on and find friends who will help you explore your need and find acceptance where you are
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I just want to say Hi and Welcome.
There are so many good tips for you.
So from me a big 🦖🤗 for your journey
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