How did you manage to get comfortable peeing in diapers?

PadPhilosopher said:
Yes, but the question is, was it intentional or accidental? It sounds like @chamberpot meant to do it, but maybe you didn't.
Oh for sure I meant to do it, I was always into enjoying being wet, there was always something so naughty and fun about it. I never minded being in either wet pants or a wet bed, of course I started hiding it as I got older, but given the opportunity to pee my pants i took it, nobody really ever noticed or let me know they noticed
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It just takes practice to get your body used to giving you control over your bladder. It's not so much about what you do as it is how often. I used to have a really shy bladder, so it took me quite awhile to get control in unfamiliar situations. Any situation you're comfortable with, do. Do it as often as possible. Even if its only a little dribble, that's fine. Then a little later, wet a little more. Just keep doing it, and your body will gradually give you more control. Then try other situations that are more challenging. Again just a little at a time, as often as possible. Inrease the challenge level as soon as what you're doing gets easy.

Don't start with anything difficult. When I started, I could only wet my diaper a little while standing in front of a toilet with my pants down. For me, it was a big milestone just to be able to wet my diaper with my pants up and buttoned.
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I find that posture is a big factor for me. If I can have my hips tilted down, like when I am on all fours or leaning over the back of the couch, I find it much easier. I think this is partially because this posture frees up space in the diaper crotch area so my penis can hang free instead of being pressed against my body by the weight of the diaper. Sitting and lying on my back are still very difficult, mainly because I’m afraid I will leak through the back of my leg guards. But as long as I can position myself so my little man can hang free, I can just let it flow.
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SimCo said:
I find that posture is a big factor for me. If I can have my hips tilted down, like when I am on all fours or leaning over the back of the couch, I find it much easier. I think this is partially because this posture frees up space in the diaper crotch area so my penis can hang free instead of being pressed against my body by the weight of the diaper. Sitting and lying on my back are still very difficult, mainly because I’m afraid I will leak through the back of my leg guards. But as long as I can position myself so my little man can hang free, I can just let it flow.
This seems to be fairly standard advice, and indeed, too much pressure on either the boys or the area beneath can actually close the passage. The need to completely hang is psychological, related to being conditioned not to pee our pants, but in many cases there will be no position where this occurs unless it is carefully planned with a baggy, uncompressed diaper. There is no position where I hang free in my daily wear, but it doesn't matter, as I'm used to it.
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Drink lots of water…..resisting is sweet torture. The warmth is addictive and reinforces this pleasurable habit. Love ❤️
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sassypigtailz said:
Drink lots of water…..resisting is sweet torture. The warmth is addictive and reinforces this pleasurable habit. Love ❤️
I have to admit I kind of like this in a way. At the end of the day when my diaper is nearly full, sometimes I can't change into my night diaper yet. My bladder sometimes wants to go still , and I try not to. I'll have kind of a "tug of war" and end up spurting and gushing sporadically until I can get changed. I find it kind of fun and intense in a way. Some of the bladder contractions/gushes get pretty strong.
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GoodnitesXL21 said:
I have to admit I kind of like this in a way. At the end of the day when my diaper is nearly full, sometimes I can't change into my night diaper yet. My bladder sometimes wants to go still , and I try not to. I'll have kind of a "tug of war" and end up spurting and gushing sporadically until I can get changed. I find it kind of fun and intense in a way. Some of the bladder contractions/gushes get pretty strong.
Do this a lot and you're going to lose that game more and more as you damage your bladder. Do what makes you happy, I guess. Just FYI.
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I will say here that I won't be doing anything like holding until I burst or drinking a ton of water to make myself wet, that definitely can be more dangerous than you'd think... Sure, the desperation is nice, and if you do it VERY rarely, I'm sure it's okay but.. I'd rather not become incontinent or otherwise damage my bladder!

Though, my pack of Unicorn Tykables came today, and they're pretty discreet. Wearing them should be no issue but regardless I will be keeping interactions with my relative to a minimum since it just gives me an ick. It would be different if I was thoroughly IC, but since I just wear diapers for therapy/for fun, it feels like I should stay away even if I'm not including them. I'unno! Thank you all so much for your input :3> There were definitely some very good ideas that I will be trying out asap!
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PadPhilosopher said:
Do this a lot and you're going to lose that game more and more as you damage your bladder. Do what makes you happy, I guess. Just FYI.
LOL, no my bladder isn't like bursting full. If I really do need to go bad I'll undo the top tabs so I can use the toilet if I won't be able to change for a while. I let my bladder go when it wants and when my diaper is near full I'll be like nope and stop. My bladder will try again in a few minutes usually. That's what I mean by "tug of war." I let it start automatically, stop it, but then don't hold it.
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I can't say I've ever had a problem with wetting in my diapers as long as they aren't so tight against my parts that nothing can get out. Like a garden hose with a crimp in it. If anything I probably wet myself more than I should, it's the main reason why I wear diapers all the time now.
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mental block, eventually you get comfortable doing it after a while and your brain knows "this is safe"
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PadPhilosopher said:
Yes, but the question is, was it intentional or accidental? It sounds like @chamberpot meant to do it, but maybe you didn't.
Both really
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accidently on purpose. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
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When in the hospital I was trying to hold not wet. The Nurse said not to hold then I was wetting the bed. Then she Diapered me I again tried to hold it. The nurse and discussed this and I quit trying to hold it. Now I just let go in my Diaper and Plastic Pants.
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I struggled with this for a long time and still do. I've been wearing dips as an adult now for over 20 years but only started "using" them about 6 years ago. For the longest time wetting the dips I wore would mean feeling damp and wanting to get out of them asap, back when all we could get were store brand, and products like Molicares or Abena's or Tena Maxi's were a luxury item to the average DL. It was only in the last 6 or 7 years that I realized the freedom the modern dips provide. That said, sometimes I feel like the capacity of a modern dip like most of the ABDL products FAR exceeds what a normal day in the life of a user who wears for personal comfort needs vs some who is IC. I'm super happy for my IC friends who finally have something they can trust. The muscles that control our flow are complicated things. It's best to not get them out of synch or damage them for folks who want to wet for comfort but are struggling. I've sort of found a compromise where when I'm in a comfortable environment I can just let go, but when I need to hold it I can. For me it's about striking that balance between convenience and comfort. It's a journey and trying different samples and finding a diaper you can really trust is a big part of it.
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IFor me it just started to happen through the sheer desperation of needing to go !
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It is interesting how some people have such difficulty with wetting their diaper even if they want to, and others don’t. I have always been able to let go in diapers or my pants when I want to wet no matter where I am or what position I am in, and I’ve never had a problem peeing outside or other pee shyness. Maybe it’s because I never had to get my body to “unlearn” years of potty training. As long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed wetting my pants, and I started wearing and using diapers I took from my younger brother at age 4, so I’ve pretty much been doing it as long as I was “officially” out of diapers.

My wife, on the other hand, can’t let go at will and will get to the point of extreme desperation before she is able to pee anywhere other than a bathroom or at minimum a porta-pottie. When we are at a beach with no facilities, she has tried to go into the water to pee, but can’t relax and let herself go until she’s about to have an accident, and even then it is with difficulty. She doesn’t join me in wearing diapers, so I don’t know if she would have the same difficulty letting go in one, but I imagine she would.

As for how to teach your body go in a diaper, like others said, it comes down to doing it often enough so it is second nature. I would recommend starting in places and at times that are “safe” from being discovered and where you aren’t worried about potential leaks or similar issues. Being at home alone is ideal, but the privacy of a bedroom or even bathroom will make you feel safer than in common spaces with family or roommates. In the morning, put on a diaper and try to wet it just before getting in the shower - you will need to go, and there is no worry about leaks or cleanup as you are showering anyway. If you can’t easily put on a diaper, aren’t able to wear often enough to get used to wetting it, or just having a diaper on makes it mentally difficult to go, try wetting underwear standing in the shower or tub instead. Just let go before stepping under the water. You’ll get used to letting go when you aren’t supposed to, and you can immediately wash off and rinse out the undies without anyone suspecting. If that is too difficult, you can start with simply peeing in the shower, then work up to underwear/diaper in the shower/tub, eventually to diaper under clothes outside of the bathroom. If worries about leaking are making it difficult, find a time you can push your diaper's limits and learn what it feels like up to the point of leaking. Just before doing laundry is a good time for this as you can easily wash any wet towels or clothes, and no one is the wiser.
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lilcamper said:
I don't know if it works, but since coming back to diapers, well, goodnites, since first trying them, I just tell myself "It's okay" or "I'm a baby," insert other mantras in place of those, potentially? x) works every time to varying speeds but usually pretty fast. Practice makes peefect? I mean perfect. In bed, walking, standing, all works as long as I'm not afraid of leaks, personally
Good luck!
yup i agree i just stay in my bed till i pee in my diaper omg i was comfortable that how i know
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First couple times I had to literally stand in front of the toilet in order to relax. Then it got easier.

Wetting in bed was weird because it took forever to learn how to pee laying down. I used to lay down in bed, needing badly to pee and just relax, knowing I'd never get a drop out and eventually I was able to.

Sometimes my IC issues are not a mystery lol
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I’ve made a bit of progress, AKA I can go in my room now so long as I’m, like, squatting. Haven’t tried standing yet but I assume it’d be fine too. It just takes a bit of patience. Sitting and laying down are still no-gos, but I’ll keep trying.
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