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  • Frungie, friend, don't worry that much about that topic related to going #2. If it helps thee feel better, thou canst always post these parts in a spoiler.

    If someone opens it... eek, thou'st been warned! 😁
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel
    Your avatar is one AMAZING onesie. If one of my brothers or sisters saw it in my size, I'd be likely to receive one as a gift. Question is, would I have the courage to wear it?
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel
    Helo!🤭😍 I'm enjoying a walk in the park, watching birds with this warm and soft sensation 😍😍
    It would be very funny if we met one day and messed together, dostn't thou think? 🤭🤭
    Good job buddy, high five! 😁 Since winter is coming, days are colder, so I'm wearing nappies to work too! 🤭🤭🥰 It feels amaaaazing, mmmhh!!! 😍🥰
    I’m quite into running and, like you, I do two or three miles. I don’t think I could run wearing a diaper, but when running close to home if I need to pee I just do it in my pants. I live in a rural area so very few people if any are around and with really dark blue running shorts it doesn’t really show anyway. I get the nice warm soggy feel without the bulk!
    Your remark about working out/running in a diaper piqued my interest. I'm not into messy diaper but I love thick wet ones. When I say I like them thick and wet, I mean I almost need suspenders on my plastic panties and I'd for sure want to do that for running. What concerns me most is the chaffing.
    How far do you run in your diapers and have you had any problems with chaffing?
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    Reactions: Chosen
    No problems chaffing, I only run between 2-3 miles.
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    Reactions: KBoy and Chosen
    WOW! I cant stand a loaded diaper it pisses me off every time it happens. "I have to get out of it ASAP. You must have some leather for skin down there because I am breaking out just thinking about it.
    Hey there dude, I see you like to load our diapers. How? For me, tons of fiber psyllium husk (metamucil ). Yeah, a bunch of fiber vegies and cereals. For my biggest loads? Wow! Maybe a 10 pounder. Not sure. But it spread up my privates and spread up my diaper. Poogasm? You got it.
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    Reactions: HomeAlone and BiBoyDustin
    What do you usually wear to bed if you wear any clothing over your diapers?
    If cold I put my pjs on but if not only shirt and diaper (don’t do only diaper because I am a girl, I feel when we cover the diaper we loose part of the fun
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    Reactions: BabyHailey1977
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