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  • Hai :3 You said in my thread that you are willing to trade some diapers. I'm not an "Established Contributor" yet so I can't message you, but you can contact me here or find me on Telegram if you want -> @sigrun_thefoxy :3
    Hi thanks for replying to my thread. Glad to here someone who I can relate to.
    hey Patrick1776, im TKing1391, how are you? I like meeting new friends on adisc:)
    I do not speak hindi fluently. if the quotation is odd, its not my doing, as I copied the quotation from another source, which was written this way. if you know a more accurate hindi wording of the quote id like to have it. I speak enough hindi for simple conversation, much like my tagalog and ilocano. and I can only read hindi in small amounts. so please forgive me if something in the quote isn't correct. I do however study Gandhi's writings and teachings.
    Just wanna say HEY
    I am in the mood for pullups (or GoodNites) this week!
    I know you like pullups, what do you think of the new style GoodNites with the blue sides?(to me they kinda remind me of pullups!)
    Hey. Thanks for creating that thread. Because of you someone had posted about a Petersen's Oxygen in SLC that he used to pick up Molicares. I just found today that there is a Petersen's about a block from me in Roy and they carry Molicare SuperPlusses! Yay! They aren't cheap though, $26 a pack of 14! So, are you in school up there in Logan?
    I just ran across your post about the store in Logan and thought I would pop in and say "Hey" from here in Roy! Not that far down the road really. Soooo.....

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