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    Yes and I know you :3 I'm doing well thanks n sorry I haven't spoken to you recently ^^;
    good. could be better. working on commishion only sucks. i don't revomend it. other wise good.
    Well, this certainly made my transition a little easier! Bruins it is! Of course, though, I'll always be a Thrashers fan at heart.
    Thanks for the message. I do think I'll be a Bruins fan, assuming I can live with the fact that I'd be supporting the league that let my team go. I do like the Preds, though, so I'd probably be a casual fan and come see some of their games as long as I live in the South. I just can't see my life without following an NHL team. That being said, I'll never forget the Thrashers, a team which will always have a special place in my heart... like a lost love.
    Thanks, Dan.

    The whole thing was screwed from the start. They got the team through illegal means, ran it into the ground... and look where it is now.

    It's all but over now, and although it doesn't look good at all, until it's official that they're gone, they're still the Thrashers, and they're still my team. Here's hoping... :(
    Thanks a lot for this, Dan-- it really is tough. You seem to pretty much have a perfect grasp of the situation: these rotten, lying owners have been bad for this team since day one. They never cared about hockey in this city... They never committed needed capital to field winning teams, never fired 10-year GM Don Waddell, and never retained talented players: see Savard, Hossa, Heatley, and, of course, Kovalchuk. I thank you for saying that hockey could work in this town... and I think that it certainly could if the team would win regularly. Most Atlanta fans are fickle anyway and only support winning pro teams. You don't build a large fanbase through 11 seasons with no playoffs. (Not to mention the remaining diehard fans like myself and others... after having invested so much in this team, dreaming of that promised land of playoffs, winning teams, and sold-out games, to be let down in this way is really such a crushing blow.)

    Thanks, though looks like you didn't have much competition :p
    Hopefully we'll have some fun working together (or, in any case, that we won't get at each others throat - not much of a risk, I think)
    I will hold to my original prediction: that although Vancouver is definitely the best team in the NHL this year, they will not win the Stanley Cup. Why? Because The Hockey News said that they would.

    As soon as they had a huge article (a cover story, to boot) praising Dustin Byfuglien and the Thrashers (right around New Years), saying things like "Believe It: Dustin Byfuglien IS a Norris Trophy Candidate", both his play and the play of the team as a whole went down the toilet. AWFUL January and February = Bye, Playoffs! And look at last year... "Washington is the team to beat."

    I will be shocked, though, if your Wings do lose in the first round. The West is so tight that it's impossible to say right now who they'll play, of course, but they are always a better playoff team than they are in the regular season. Honestly, I think they have about as good of a chance as the Nucks do.
    You know. Tails has got to be one of my most favored character aside from knuckles who could glide through the air. And your picture of Tails in the diaper with that nanny checking him over like that is just so adorable. Just makes me think and reflect on those kinds of times back when I was a toddler and getting asked if my diaper needs to be changed. I usually blushed and said yes or no.

    I like to think that it won't come to that. Apparently, there are at least 3 interested and capable parties looking to buy the team and keep it in Atlanta. But if it does, I will mourn for many years, and then become a Bruins fan.
    Hey send me a link to the site :).
    I’ll join up but with a different use name if you want I’d use the same user name though.
    Aloha, just curious... What does Sensory Integration Dysfunction (Or SID or SPD or whatever they call it nowadays) have to do with ADISC? I read your bio on the articles and my curiosity got the best of me. =P
    I'm noticing that you're pretty bad at responding to visitor messages - we shall see if you'll respond to this one :p
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