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  • D
    Interesting avi/profile pic.
    Part 2:

    Following law school I was a research law clerk for a Federal Court of appeals. As an attorney I do both corporate litigation and Federal appeals as a senior partner of my firm, with clients including school districts. Until recently I served on the school board for a large unified district,

    Perhaps we need to agree to disagree! My JD and legal education qualifies me to be an attorney. My experience as a parent, as an advocate for children and as a member of a school board provies me some insight into these issues, especially dealing with incontinence and diapers in a classroom setting. I do not dispute your wife may well have more practical experience as a classroom teacher. Perhaps she has attended some continuing education about legal issues. However, I assume you would have shared in your post if your wife or your good self is licensed to practice law and if either of you have ever litigated these issues.

    Sincerely, Angela M. Bauer, Esq, attorney at law
    Good Afternoon, Will Not Will and your good wife,
    Please understand I respect your opinions, but my professional reputation as a respected attorney member of the Federal, California and Bars of numerous other states must be protected.
    We are all looking out for the best interest of children. I am sure you and your wife feel the same way. While I have no clue as to your experience parenting I take your word for the education and employment of your wife. I am sure she protects the best interests of all the kids she teaches.
    Until recently I was an elected member of the school board of a large Southern California unified (ps-12) school district. I also was editor of Law Review my final year at a major law school from which I graduated with honors.

    End part 1

    Sincerely, Angela M. Bauer, Esq, attorney at law
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