If your circumstances permitted would you go 24/7?

Although the idea of it sounds appealing, I would say that it’s a no for me. For one it is just not always convenient for me to change and that would cause me stress. And for two ( and by that I mean #2 the cleanup is too much for me. Somehow I always end up with it on the floor and then I step in it. lol.
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Circumstance allowed me to wear diapers full time about 15 years ago and I've been wearing nearly full time since. It's best that way. I don't have the constant anxiety of planning for the next time I could wear diapers for a weekend or the difficulty of keeping it secret.
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Lyric said:
or the difficulty of keeping it secret.
I'm interested since you don't keep I secret, how did you explain your double IC.
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I wear occasionally at this time and that is all I want. There are several activities that I don't want to wear a diaper to.
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I tried it when circumstances permitted me to and it got annoying after a week. Now if it was my SO helping me do it, I might last longer.
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Yes, definitely yes. Two years ago, I would not have answered this question differently. I have learned so much about me being a DL during the last two years. Since then I only have worn diapers secretly. Only when I was allone. As a married father of three children, that was not so often. For roughly 30 years diapers were a pure sex object for me. And I was convinced that, if I had the chance to wear them whenever I wanted to, I quickly would need to wear them less amd lesser. I thought I would get bored. Moreover, I thought wetting them during my sleep was the last thing that I wanted because actually feeling how it happens was the essence of it all. And today? I wear them each amd every night. And when I am on vacation only with my wife, no children, I wear 24/7. At daylight Tena Maxis and when we are allone the thickest I can get. The last three mornings I awoke with a really thixk soft and wet diaper without remembering how it happened. And I love it so much. So, yes, I would love to wear them 24/7, and I do whenever possible.
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As a DL I have weekends where I wear from Friday evening to Monday morning and it is fun. I do that occasionally, however, I prefer to wear as my mood takes me so, I can go weeks without wearing and then wear several nights running. I’ll often wear when out shopping for a few hours for the fun and convenience but, I would not want to be nappied 24/7 as I think the novelty would soon wear off.
When not in a nappyI will still wet and mess myself when I feel like it as I enjoy both aspects of the fetish.
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Hi. I have been a DL all my life stemming from daytime and nighttime wetting as a child, and I was allowed to wear nappies regularly well after potty training age and loved it. Once older I wore secretly. I am also diagnosed with schizophrenia and although I wore nappies before I became schizophrenic, it was for the love of it not need. But once on anti-psychotic medication I started to wet the bed fairly frequently, especially if I had ANY alcohol (more than say 1 pint of weak beer.) So I started wearing nappies much more regularly to manage the bedwetting. Gradually this turned into wearing nappies all the time at home (which is where I am 80% of the time.) I also began having day time accidents like when I was a child. Overwhelming urge to pee and no strength to stop it. It was embarrassing and awful. I began to feel the wish to wear nappies 24/7 then so I'd never have to worry about having an accident. (The doctors offered medication which I refused, I am already on too many medications, and told me to stop drinking so much tea and coffee, I would prefer to wear nappies.)

So now I wear a Goodnite XL in the daytime or at work, but still wee in a toilet if I can as Goodnites don't hold much, and then when I am relaxing an InControl BeDry Elite which reminds me of Pampers. The more I wear nappies, the happier and more content I am, they definitely help with my mental health.
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Uic yeah going 247 so far made be able to be myself wothout having to stress
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I wear because I enjoy being in a diaper and I find I am wearing quite often now because I live alone most of the time. In fact I have been in diapers for two days straight now. While I find myself loving the ability to effectively wear 24/7 (wetting only) and I will do it in some stretches, I find the notion of the “24/7” label to be too confining. I generally don’t wear out of the house, I only wet, sometimes I get tired of the confining feeling of the diaper, sometimes I need to air out my skin and I find it to be very expensive.
So I would say I like wearing my version of 24/7 sometimes, but I would never say I wear “24/7”.
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Kayleigh said:
I wear because I enjoy being in a diaper and I find I am wearing quite often now because I live alone most of the time. In fact I have been in diapers for two days straight now. While I find myself loving the ability to effectively wear 24/7 (wetting only) and I will do it in some stretches, I find the notion of the “24/7” label to be too confining. I generally don’t wear out of the house, I only wet, sometimes I get tired of the confining feeling of the diaper, sometimes I need to air out my skin and I find it to be very expensive.
So I would say I like wearing my version of 24/7 sometimes, but I would never say I wear “24/7”.
Although my wearing tends to often be quite sporadic, your thoughts are very similar to mine.

The last few months my time in nappies has largely been confined to wearing overnight, often just once or twice a week, but I do enjoy the unhurried relaxation that can occur during a longer period of wearing full time.

I have been wearing and using nappies continuously for two days now and will until Monday. Not only is this very enjoyable, but I know that the experience of doing this from time to time is good for me.

But, I wouldn’t want to wear 24/7 indefinitely.
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This thread just keeps going, so I'll throw in my 2 cents. ("Feed the birds, tuppence a bag." 😆)

I have worn 24/7 ish for many months now. Reasons included research and convenience in a busy life. But, research and convenience don't necessarily make a true 24/7 experience, as when the research is done, or it became inconvenient, I would stop until it was convenient again. Mostly that meant that I wore 24/7 except when people who might potentially criticize me for it were around.

As of a week ago, I committed to go truly 24/7 in solidarity with a friend who needs to be 24/7 due to a medical problem, but is having a hard time doing so because of some mental blocks, largely stemming from past and potential cruelty and criticism. So, I'm now truly 24/7, no matter who else is around to be a potential critic, or if it's convenient, as a way to be supportive. It definitely has its challenges; the reality of 24/7 in a busy working life around other people is more complicated than those who have never done it might suppose, but we're both managing.

One thing is for sure: the products available today are so much better than what was available only a few short decades ago. It is a great time to use diapers! For those who can't avoid them, the inconvenience is so much less than it once would have been. There was a time not that long ago where the convenience wearing I have been doing wasn't possible, because the products that make it convenient didn't exist. Great times.
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No. I could if I chose to (I live alone and work from home) but I like to keep it as a treat.
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I track everything with my diapstash app and this week I've been 65 % average in diapers, i wear if I'm not at work and I love that way I have it but being wishful if I had a million dollars and didn't have to work then ya I'd love to wear 24/7 and I'd be more of a AB as well
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Some people on here are just miserable people. This is a fantasy post about if you could go full time would you, no where does it say you would be incontinent or forced to do it forever some people have incontinence and hate it i understand but that does not give you the right to be a right bastard to the rest of us every time you can.
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Whenever it's possible, yes, I wear 24/7. It was the case last week but this week it was (according to diapstash app) 40%

But it's not often and the last year, the average was around 30% of the time, which is already good.
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I don’t want to 24/7. But certainly would love to be able to anytime I went out. No more disgusting public restrooms with no privacy at all. Not to mention, a lot less of “sorry, need to step away for a moment”. Would make life a lot more convenient to at least have the option to be 24/7.
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I wouldnt. Diapers are fun and all, but I also like wearing other types of underwear too, including boxers and briefs
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My circumstances do permit but diapers are not comfortable enough for me to wear 24/7 as they over heat and sap my energy. Thankfully , although I have mild OAB, I only wear when I go out. m It would be convenient do wear to bed but most of the year they cause me to get to hot down there
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If I didn't see my family on a regular basis I'd probably at least give it a shot, that's really the only thing stopping me from trying full-on 24/7 out. I have my doubts that I'd want to stick with it though.
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