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  • Thanks for the follow
    You have known about this community a lot longer than i have.
    i imagine that you know a lot more about ADISC Forum than i do
    Really really nice to meet you 😊
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen, BBBen and PaigeCherubiel
    The Land down under
    Okay you are Super Cool 😎
    You can do anything that you want in the outback, can't you? It's like the entire state of Florida there, only bigger. With crocodiles instead of alagators 🐊
    We have gigantic snakes here too
    We have so much in common
    This is going to be fun
    i just know it 😸
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen, BBBen and PaigeCherubiel
    Fantastic user name 😁
    Cheers, seemed appropriate at the time and I kinda identify with it after so long. I log in most days but haven’t posted anything for a really long time. Sorta lost touch. Anyway thanks for the compliment.
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    Reactions: abdlnz
    I guess because it's such an Australian term I just like the word bub. (Just like I prefer nappy over all the alternatives.)
    concur cool name and icon too This is close to the bow I had. Where there's green, there should be yellow, no white anywhere, and no Scooby. Can you see it. Lemme know if not, and I'll send it link differently.
    i sent a F/R here. also guess we could message here.
    are you on telegram? i'm mainly there now.
    alot has happened lol. how are you?
    yeah some grown up things we have to do SUCK! and not like on a paci i mean they really SUCK being little when we can though is fun but also they are some grown up things i would never give up.

    btw the artwork is cool but i meant your profile pic on your profile not you avatar pic you could draw your profile pic in shortalls and stilll show the diaper from the side with some bulge between the legs i think it would look cute that way.

    with your artwork and how you create is up to you but you still need to be told that you have quite the talent.
    I've been having to do too many grown up things which is really exhausting because it's hard work for me when I just need to be little sometimes. I have been getting a bit upset about it inside. I need to be little more than I've been able to. At least I can mostly cuddle teddy at night time and see what other littles are doing on adisc.

    I really want to make more ab artwork and especially my lil avatar. Maybe I will get some me time to soon. I like your ideas.

    Thank you for sending me some messages, it's made me feel happy. 👶🏼ozbub
    btw some cute clothes it would be really neat to see is all i am saying just wondering if you ever thought of that LOL

    Btw i am sending this one because the previous message got sent before i was finished typing it.
    cool glad to hear he is doing good what else have you been doing lately besides working and being "little"

    Btw have you ever thought about putting short alls on your profile pic or some kind of cute "little" clothes LOL instead of seeing him always half-naked in a diaper and a bib it would be nice to see some cute c
    He's awesome 😁 It's makes me so happy that you asked hahaha. Thanks for that. Teddy is the best.
    yeah everything is cool on this end of things i just thought i would see how you were doing byw how is teddy?
    HI dude, been away for a while (working not jail or anything horrible) and just wanted to say hi to my favourite artist!
    Ehhh, The Studies have been rough but I have been getting by. I feel alot better about myself now. Still it does get rough sometimes. :)
    Yeah pretty good thanks, mostly good days. I'm done with uni now so that's kinda weird. Still figuring out what I'll do, but I'll hopefully be able to keep painting. I want to exhibit work next year.
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