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Do you like messing why or why not

I don't think I want to mess and have to smell it.
LittleTyke said:
When I do it in her care, it is more like a sub thing for me. I enjoy it because she is my master, and she "forces" me to do it. She once admitted to me that she loves to see ABs sit and squirm, desperately trying (and failing) to hold it in.
This is cute of her, though.....
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It's morning and that means a wet and now messy Crinklz Astronaut diaper with a hot cup of coffee. A warm squishy poopie in my wet diapee and hot coffee. AHHH!😌
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As an abdl, I usually just clean myself. It’s messier in cloth (I wear cloth and disposable), so if anything, just time consuming. I’ve been B-ic a few times and a few u-ic accidents so I just wear a diaper in public when possible to avoid the obvious. I have to admit I don’t mind, and it just reminds me why I'm back in diapers 🫠🤭
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I like the idea of it but in practice it sucks. It’s a nasty mess that smells horrid. I am left cleaning it up and it often results in taking a shower to get clean. Sometimes I even find that even though I wash really well. I still have some mess left behind. Often when I dry off I see it on my towel. Oftentimes I still find myself doing it but I experience instant regret. I’ve considered using oatmeal or bananas to achieve the same feeling but without the smell. I also feel like I can go a longer time without feeling like I’m risking skin rash or skin infection for letting it sit for too long.
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I'm a bit of the fence on it. Yes, I like the extra baby aspect, but the cleanup...sheesh! Although, I'm pretty good at getting it done pretty quickly if I have wet wipes. *shrug* then again, I'm sure I'd like it more if someone else was doing the cleaning, I am a lazy baby after all...
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I don't do it often because I live with a roommate. Really only when he's on vacation. Which is probably fortunate, because I get tempted when I have the opportunity and feel the urge to go, but while it feels good and toddlerish, as many have said, the cleanup is a bore.
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Sometimes. It's hard to say I like it, honestly. It's exciting but it can also be kind of intensely emotional and there are occasions where I don't feel like I can deal with that. Messing involuntarily (somewhat) was something I had to deal with on a pretty routine basis growing up which caused a lot of trauma that still sticks with me, so there's a lot of weird feelings connected up with that.
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Absolutely, 100 percent enjoy! I only use my diaper, I have been completely UIC for over 17 years, and I have completely accepted diapers and my need. For me, soiling my diaper is natural and normal, can't imagine not using my diapers. When I'm home, I may not change for a while, maybe a few hours. I enjoy a messy diaper on my butt!
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Never minded the feel. Never minded the smell. But the clean-up… that is awful.
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c334 said:
I personally love the feeling of a messy diaper
Yeah it’s awesome! I love having a mushy in my diaper!
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I like to mess, but I rarely do it. The aftermath is just so unappealing to me. Still, when I'm in just the right mood...

Intentionally doing that in my diaper feels especially non-adult. It pulls me away from whatever adult thing I'm focused on and leaves me feeling, for an instant, like a naughty toddler who should know better.

...but then, pretty soon after, I'm forced to play mommy to myself and get clean. That's a lot less thrilling, and why I generally head to the toilet for #2.
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My morning Little Kings diaper is wet and messy providing me with a soothing psychophysiological catharsis that is warm and squishy, perhaps second only to an orgasm, which I will also be experiencing soon while in my wet and poopie diapee. Today is 'Tinky Tuesday, yes I am a little stinky.
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c334 said:
I personally love the feeling of a messy diaper
I do...and I don't. I do because it makes me feel small. I don't because i hate the cleanup and the smell.
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Wish I felt able to but I find it so gross and I worry about infection
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I mess whether I like it or not.
100% out of my control.
Pooping my diaper feels great and makes me feel very little and regressed. I only stay in if for 10-20 minutes though. The feeling of filling up my diaper is amazing, clean up…. Not so much. Lol.
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NOPE hate the Clean-Up.
The best reaction to my wet and messy morning Crinklz Astronaut diaper is pure and simply....ahhhhh, so nice!
Lately meaning the past several months I have HAD to wear diapers to bed as I typically pee myself in the middle of the night. Sometimes I am aware of the hot wet feeling as it spreads across my crotch and my tummy. Other times I am not. This morning I woke up sopping wet and decided to check my computer before changing. Not long after I sat down I felt cramps in my tummy and before I could move -- well it happened. I pooped myself. It just started coming out and I could not stop it from happening. I messed myself. This is not the first time it has happened but when it does, it's always an accident. I am wet and messy and am going to have to change very shortly.
fredy552 said:
NOPE hate the Clean-Up.
This is one Control I still have. Yes, I have had accidents and pooped myself in the past. I usually make it and can get everything pulled down and sit on the Big People toilet. But no, I really, really try not to Poop in my Diapers.