Have you ever had an accident whilst wearing?

Grocery shopping! If you need to poop while shopping, here are some tips for finding a comfortable and discreet spot.
Many grocery stores have family restrooms or companion restrooms that offer more privacy and space for diaper changes or using your diaper. Look for these restrooms near the entrance, customer service, or pharmacy areas.
If you can't find a family restroom, look for restrooms with private stalls that offer more privacy.
If you need to poop in your diaper, try to find a less crowded area of the store, like the pet food or household supplies section.
If you need to poop in your diaper, try to do so quickly and discreetly to minimize disturbance and attention.

Remember, prioritize discretion and hygiene when pooping while grocery shopping. If possible, try to plan your shopping trip between diaper changes or wear a diaper with extra absorbency. Happy shopping!
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Well, i was found (phone drop allert called) with no detectabel pluse and taken to hospital, woke a few days later, and i was ina diaper when found, not sure if wet or not, but being the way i was, id say wet was more than likely. But yes i did wake up with a foley cath in and was left in for more than a few days after i woke up as well, but was/did have a bunch of issues in the ICU in relation to this issues i am having, but after the cath was out i was diapered for like the last 3-4 days in the ICU and then had to have a friend come with clothes as they cut my clothes right off me.

So, nothing was mentioned in anything except i know i was in a diaper as i alwas wear one so that is just what it is. I'm IC so that is known to i think everyone that sees my records but doubt the er or ems crew really know or care about a diaper, they were more worried about putting in an IO and also doing cpr and i assume lots of other things, i know they gave me drug overdose meds (not needed) and also EPI, and I saw CPR going on in the security cameras when hauling me out of the house with my arm dangling off the gurney as well. I deleted that video.

but yeah i dont think that anyone cares about a diaper in any emergency situation.
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Bigbabybret said:
but yeah i dont think that anyone cares about a diaper in any emergency situation.
Agreed. And I most certainly hope that they care about vital stuff first.

The only medical personnel I think would care, would be my own doctor. If he noticed that I was diapered while visiting him, he would probably ask about incontinence issues. That's the main reason that I'm never diapered at regular doctor's appountments.

Hospital staff, when doing unrelated examinations or treatments, couldn't care less.
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