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Urodynamics testing complete....

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Est. Contributor
  1. Incontinent
So today was my urodynamics test.To say that it was hell would be an understatement.
To start things off they wanted me to urinate into a funnel that was over a cup and a sensor the problem is I quite often have difficulty urinating while standing so I tend to do it sitting down I also suffer anxiety which made this even harder.
after about 5 minutes of small dribbles they ended up letting me use a regular bathroom to empty my bladder for the test.
Once again the gel hurt like hell and was uncomfortable but that was merely a precursor to the pure hell that was to follow.
the insertion of the catheter was insanely painful it was a horrendous stabbing pain deep within me I assume this was trying to push into the bladder (its hard to be tmi on an incontinence forum but this pain felt rather close to my rectum so perhaps prostate lord knows)
I was making a fair amount of noise I will admit the pain was extreme
eventually they got it in I was relieved but at this point I was a shaking mess
they inserted the rectal sensor and the doctor came in to observe the test
they pumped the water in with no problems I have no idea in regards to what amount I made it to.
Then I was again asked to urinate into the funnel around the catheter
this was borderline impossible the pain was once again intense from the catheter and I could barely pass a drop
the doctor had the nurses bring in a seat for me I again tried urinating while seated this time I was able to pass a few dribbles at a time but nowhere near a full bladder the pain was getting to be too much once more and I couldnt do any more.
the nurses came back removed the catheter and sensor I changed into a diaper and left.
I understand the test was necessary but it was a true nightmare for me
I was in an intense amount of pain throughout and was a nervous wreck throughout most of it partly due to my anxiety
I am still experiencing pain from it and I have to wait an entire month for the report to be sent to my urologist
as always Im welcoming any and all posts questions, comments etc
thankyou to any that reply and thanks for reading through my story from hell
Saix, sorry to read that you had such a painful and unpleasant experience. I have my urodynamics test scheduled for next week and your report is not encouraging, to say the least.

(but thanks very much for your report)

jdinvirginia said:
Saix, sorry to read that you had such a painful and unpleasant experience. I have my urodynamics test scheduled for next week and your report is not encouraging, to say the least.

(but thanks very much for your report)


It was probably one of the worst things I have done that being said I am somewhat young and suffer from anxiety
they said that it normally takes about a half hour however I was in there for over an hour so Im assuming I was somewhat of a difficult case
the pain was severe but I was also at the limit with my anxiety from it as well so I was almost crying at parts however from what I can tell most people say its painful just probably not as bad as it was for me
They said I wasnt the worst patient theyve had but I personally found that hard to believe
Immediatly after test I had extreme pain light leakage and strong pain when urinating today Im not as bad however Im still getting pain
I continue to welcome any posts questions comments that kind of thing if youve undergone the test Id love to hear from you
Im a little worried that my difficulty urinating into the container before and after the test will have caused problems with the results however I did go a little with the sensors still in me so all is probably well and Im just freaking out regardless if anyone can give insight into that id also appreciate it
once again thanks in advance for any posts
and good luck to you JDN
I am supposed to schedule one; my urologist said it was a lot less painful than a cysto (which I had). But now, I am going to do some more checking out before I have it done. Hope you recovered from yours.
I'm sorry for all of you who have had to go through this. I had a somewhat different experience after my first back surgery. The surgery was a success, but afterward, I couldn't urinate at all. A woman nurse in the hospital taught me how to catheterize myself. At first it was somewhat painful, but I soon learned to relax and once I was able to do that, there was no pain.

I can imagine that's it's near impossible to relax when someone else is doing this, but it can be done. While in the hospital, I discovered there were some orderlies who were good at cathing me and some who weren't. There is a technique to sliding it in. So the next time this happens to you, try like crazy to relax. Tensing is what causes a lot of the pain. Just my two cents.
dogboy said:
I'm sorry for all of you who have had to go through this. I had a somewhat different experience after my first back surgery. The surgery was a success, but afterward, I couldn't urinate at all. A woman nurse in the hospital taught me how to catheterize myself. At first it was somewhat painful, but I soon learned to relax and once I was able to do that, there was no pain.

I can imagine that's it's near impossible to relax when someone else is doing this, but it can be done. While in the hospital, I discovered there were some orderlies who were good at cathing me and some who weren't. There is a technique to sliding it in. So the next time this happens to you, try like crazy to relax. Tensing is what causes a lot of the pain. Just my two cents.

I was trying to relax at the time however I kept getting very strong pain that was causing me problems as they were sliding it in
this was way worse than my cystoscopy was
saix said:
I was trying to relax at the time however I kept getting very strong pain that was causing me problems as they were sliding it in
this was way worse than my cystoscopy was

It sounds horrible. I'm sorry. Hopefully they'll come up with some sort of positive course of action?
dogboy said:
It sounds horrible. I'm sorry. Hopefully they'll come up with some sort of positive course of action?

Ill have to wait a month to find out the results
Im not sure what the next course of action will be
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