Diapered Elderly Caitian in 2024...

3/30/2024 - 17:46 -
I had Supper earlier.
On DVD I have been watching:
The Time Lord from Gallifrey.
I am not the only Autistic who likes DOCTOR WHO.
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3/30/2024 - 18:13 -
I am in "Little" Mode.
I am still watching on DVD:
My mentally deranged Mom thought this TV show was a "sicko" television program.
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3/30/2024 - 19:00 -
I did just watch the national/international news on WBTS-TV, Channel 10 out of Boston, Massachusetts on CATV.
Now it is time for Educational Television online.
It is still light outside.
The days are becoming longer.
Being Autistic I am trapped in my own rigid daily routines.
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3/30/2024 - 19:30 -
Quiet play with children's toys is important to me.
I prefer it to the dirty filthy adult play activities.
I do not watch filth.
At my age of 66 I am still into
Toy Cars and Trucks
Baby and Toddler Toys
I have performed another small chore.
I hand-washed 2 of my pairs of plastic pants.
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3/30/2024 - 20:33 -
Only Science...
And nothing but Science...
For the rest of the evening.
It is time to lay out a clean dry diaper to wear through the night.
Plus lay out a pair of plastic pants to wear through the night.
The medical restraint mittens are ready to wear through the night.
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Christ is risen 🤗
the morning comes 🌞
Happy Easter to you my brother 🤗🤗🤗🥚🐇🕯🤗
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3/31/2024 - 11:48 - Easter Sunday -
I am okay.
I am back home from worship att the church I belong to.
I also had Lunch.
With the main 1769 Meetinghouse still being restored, the Currier Meeting Hall was packed full of worshipers this morning.
Also I did before worship get ~ 3:00 minutes of usable video footage of a Squirrel forraging for food behind the 1769 Meetinghouse.
Well, it is almost time for my Easter Sunday Nap.
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3/31/2024 - 17:00 -
I am okay.
Another afternoon nap completed with my hands in medical restraint mittens.
Nothing on CATV.
Therefore I turned on the BLU-RAY/DVD Player.
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4/1/2024 - 10:15 -
I was already outside to take out trash and to take a walk for exercise using my quad rollator walker frame.
Earlier I had my daily diuretic medication.
I am back in my wheelchair.
Now on BLU-RAY disk I am watching:
Japanese Anime Cartoon Violence.
I know that it is not real.
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4/1/2024 - 17:20 -
I was just in medical restraint mittens from 13:00 to 17:00.
I transferred from Bed to wheelchair.
I wheeled into my bathroom.
I transferred from wheelchair to toilet.
I changed my dirty wet diaper.
I transferred back to my wheelchair.
Then Back onto my bed to get dressed again.
Then back into my wheelchair.
I am okay.
A lot of using my arm strength to compensate for difficulty in coordinating and using my Cerebral Palsy affected legs.
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4/1/2024 - 20:35 -
Earlier after Supper while it was still light I used my chrome 3-wheel rollator walker frame to hobble north up NH Route 28 to the Derry convenience Store for a 2-Liter Bottle of DIET COKE.
Therefore, I did not watch the news this evening.
After returning home I watched a History Documentary:
Now online I am watching:
Another "interest" for an elderly Autistic like myself.
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4/2/2024 - 9:23 -
I am okay this morning.
I am diapered.
I am dressed.
I took the morning diuretic medication.
I just read a news editorial.
If I did what "You Know Who" has been doing, using the Internet to threaten Court Judges and their families, the Derry, New Hampshire Police would be over here where I live, police cruiser sirens wailing, smashing down my door with their 9mm Automatic Pistols drawn and also packing AR-15's and slamming me to the floor out of my wheelchair and hauling me off to prison.
Why the Hell is "You Know Who" not in prison for threatening to kill Court Judges and their families?
There is something massively wrong if "You Know Who" is allowed to do this without any "real" consequences.
Pardon my "observations"...
Being Autistic I have an extreme rigid sense of right and wrong.
Despite my external Stoic Autistic Exterior, I am mega bull shit over one certain group of people allowed to do whatever the fucking Hell they please, while I, a physically and developmentally disabled Senior Citizen can not.
It is "not fair whatsoever".
Who the Hell does "You Know Who" think he is?
Honestly caitianx, you would probably wish that it was local law enforcement that showed up at your door.
It would most likely be men in dark suits wearing Ray-Bans, who would escort you to a series of small rooms, ending in a small room.
Yeah, neither one of us could behave like that and expect to be okay.....
4/2/2024 - 10:15 -
I am quietly watching television online.
An old 1960's TV Show.
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4/2/2024 - 10:56 -
I just had today's Meals on Wheels lunch for the Elderly.
Chinese food out of a tin can.
Now online I am watching:
Actor Roger Moore before he portrayed James bond in the movies.
THE SAINT was originally a radio crime/espionage drama.
As always transferring on and off the toilet for diaper changes all morning.
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4/2/2024 - 16:27 -
I just transferred from bed to wheelchair.
I am still in my nap time wet diaper.
I am completely mute right now and unable to talk at all as an Autistic Senior Citizen.
I have looked out my bedroom window which overlooks my driveway.
My Roommate, CK, is out.
He is out visiting his grand-daughter.
I do not know why, but right now I am again performing "THE BEHAVIOR" while utterly mute and profoundly withdrawn inward into myself and sitting in my wheelchair.
My thoughts are consumed with being in total seclusion in a locked padded room and utterly unable to escape.
I never think of anything else when this "THE BEHAVIOR" urge comes upon me.
Being Autistic...
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4/2/2024 - 17:26 -
I am angry and disgusted with myself.
I am not supposed to be a bad boy.
I am only supposed to be "Little".
I hate the adult world.
I hate adult sexual thoughts.
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4/2/2024 - 18:07 -
I have been quietly playing with LEGO while watching the news.
A pedophile teacher bitch who bad touched an 18 year-old back in 2021 is going to prison.
As for the Weather...
A Nor'Easter Snowstorm is coming.
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4/2/2024 - 18:45 -
I had to turn off the news.
I needed to go outside and take out a trash bag of dirty diapers.
I guess I will simply switch to watching Educational Television Programs while sitting here in my wheelchair in my bedroom.
The same exact evening routine every day.
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