All Things Poop Related

I'm confused now, so as not to be offensive, I won't post about the current status of my diaper until this gets sorted out. I certainly agree that messing is not for everyone and BabyBoy2023 who started the post appropriately labeled the topic to let everyone know what would be discussed. Whether messing is AB or DL, or even Incontinence would be discussion, in my opinion, that crosses all three areas.
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Not to burst anyone's bubble, but this thing is indeed an AB thing. I consider myself ABDL/IC because of my IBSD, but the whole firm poop thing is because of actual pleasure I got as a toddler doing it, and yes, I relive it. I know two other AB's who are just like me. One is my girlfriend, Baby Emily.
I totally agree with BabyBoy2023, in this context it is a adult baby behavior. I have been an adult baby my whole life and diaper pooping has been the hardest thing to except about being ABDL.
Further, it would be completely inappropriate for me to discuss bowel incontinence with a bowel incontinent person, other than personal hygiene we would have nothing to talk about.
One is a physical infirmity, the other a psychological compulsion.
I understand that diaper pooping is a uncomfortable subject, but for those of us who engage in the behavior being able to talk about it in the adult baby since of the behavior is important.
If anyone knew how crazy I have felt I am pretty sure they would say " It's a support group, let him talk about his poopy diapers.....
Other than the kind and gentle people on this forum, no one else is going to understand
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KBoy said:
I totally agree with BabyBoy2023, in this context it is a adult baby behavior. I have been an adult baby my whole life and diaper pooping has been the hardest thing to except about being ABDL.
Further, it would be completely inappropriate for me to discuss bowel incontinence with a bowel incontinent person, other than personal hygiene we would have nothing to talk about.
One is a physical infirmity, the other a psychological compulsion.
I understand that diaper pooping is a uncomfortable subject, but for those of us who engage in the behavior being able to talk about it in the adult baby since of the behavior is important.
If anyone knew how crazy I have felt I am pretty sure they would say " It's a support group, let him talk about his poopy diapers.....
Other than the kind and gentle people on this forum, no one else is going to understand
Thank you, KBoy, and please, don't feel crazy because the truth is you are not. Crazy people would deliberately poop in public and make everyone else suffer. Crazy people force their ways on others and make them miserable. Do you know what crazy would be? I would feel crazy making others change me. I would feel crazy having someone else be my mommy. I think it would be crazy if someone else demanded to be my mommy and attempt to feed, dress, change, and bathe me whether I wanted or not.
Crazy people are arrogant and ignorant, but we are not. I knew this was what I wanted ever since my potty training at 3 years of age, and the IBS with diarrheal IC was what opened the door for me being back in diapers and being a toddler. I feel it is my job not to hurt others, but to stand in defense of those being pushed around and/or bullied.
To Sofia and the others who don't like the discussed topic in this thread, move on plain and simple. Also, you should be thankful it is our own diapers we are discussing and not going down to the corner and selling bags of crack, illegal fire arms, etc. You know, people don't like what they see on some TV channels. So they change the channel plain and simple. So if you don't like what you see on this thread, change threads.
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Thanks again @BabyBoy2023
I'm in a lot better place these days, I excepted myself a long time ago. My wife is supportive and the people who abused me when I was a kid are no longer a part of my life.
As far as being crazy goes, I excepted being mentally ill about 20 years ago and got at least some of the answers I have been looking for about 3 years ago. Calling myself crazy is probably not the best but in my lifetime it is a word people kind of understand. We live in a society where everyone is so sensitive that mental retardation is a bad word, it's not, learning disabilities are only part of retardation. I am severely retarded on my psychology side and mincing words is not going to change it.
It's ok to be blind, it's ok to have autism or to have a personality disorder. It's okay to poop in our diapers.
And it's ok to talk about it.
Thanks for bringing it up @BabyBoy2023
We are not the first people here to do so either
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KBoy said:
Thanks again @BabyBoy2023
I'm in a lot better place these days, I excepted myself a long time ago. My wife is supportive and the people who abused me when I was a kid are no longer a part of my life.
As far as being crazy goes, I excepted being mentally ill about 20 years ago and got at least some of the answers I have been looking for about 3 years ago. Calling myself crazy is probably not the best but in my lifetime it is a word people kind of understand. We live in a society where everyone is so sensitive that mental retardation is a bad word, it's not, learning disabilities are only part of retardation. I am severely retarded on my psychology side and mincing words is not going to change it.
It's ok to be blind, it's ok to have autism or to have a personality disorder. It's okay to poop in our diapers.
And it's ok to talk about it.
Thanks for bringing it up @BabyBoy2023
We are not the first people here to do so either
Thank you, KBoy. Please don't think I am trying to candy-coat words because I am not; however, I wish to clarify what crazy really is. I would never call you or anybody else like you "crazy." You can't help being mentally ill. Crazy people on the other hand don't really have an excuse. I have an uncle who has schizophrenia, and I never thought of him as "crazy." He was the most awesome, down-to-earth soul I have ever known despite his mental issues and his delusions. Sadly, he died of congestive heart failure in 2014. I think crazy people are the evil ones who prey on little kids and vulnerable people. Please don't take offense to what I am saying. The word, "crazed" means "maddened, enraged." These people who take loaded guns into schools and blow the hell out of everyone else are full of evil rage and madness. Those involved with pedophilia and other sick twisted things are evil and raging with fury. We are not that way. Once again, thanks for backing me just as I back you and everyone else who enjoys this sort-of thing. Hell, I know toddlers and even littler babies who enjoy their poop. I have a nephew who used to rub his poop up-and-down on his butt by grabbing the seat of his diaper the way I used to when I was a kid. It's completely normal. Kids even have words they like to use when referring to their poop. I made up one, and it is "gur." I was around 2.5 years old, and if you have read my post regarding gur's origin, you probably know that it is a synesthesia related thing. By the way, did you download the sounds and listen to them? I was able to simulate the synesthetic sounds of "gurring" in my diapers using the sound generators and different high-pass and low-pass filters in Audacity for Windows. Once again, thanks for your supportive posts.
To Frungie, you have all right to post on my thread. I put it here for you and everyone else. As long as you aren't disrespectful towards others, you may post what you like here. Don't be confused by the bullies and the rather snarky ones. You are perfectly fine.
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BabyBoy2023 said:
Thank you, KBoy. Please don't think I am trying to candy-coat words because I am not; however, I wish to clarify what crazy really is. I would never call you or anybody else like you "crazy." You can't help being mentally ill. Crazy people on the other hand don't really have an excuse. I have an uncle who has schizophrenia, and I never thought of him as "crazy." He was the most awesome, down-to-earth soul I have ever known despite his mental issues and his delusions. Sadly, he died of congestive heart failure in 2014. I think crazy people are the evil ones who prey on little kids and vulnerable people. Please don't take offense to what I am saying. The word, "crazed" means "maddened, enraged." These people who take loaded guns into schools and blow the hell out of everyone else are full of evil rage and madness. Those involved with pedophilia and other sick twisted things are evil and raging with fury. We are not that way. Once again, thanks for backing me just as I back you and everyone else who enjoys this sort-of thing. Hell, I know toddlers and even littler babies who enjoy their poop. I have a nephew who used to rub his poop up-and-down on his butt by grabbing the seat of his diaper the way I used to when I was a kid. It's completely normal. Kids even have words they like to use when referring to their poop. I made up one, and it is "gur." I was around 2.5 years old, and if you have read my post regarding gur's origin, you probably know that it is a synesthesia related thing. By the way, did you download the sounds and listen to them? I was able to simulate the synesthetic sounds of "gurring" in my diapers using the sound generators and different high-pass and low-pass filters in Audacity for Windows. Once again, thanks for your supportive posts.
To Frungie, you have all right to post on my thread. I put it here for you and everyone else. As long as you aren't disrespectful towards others, you may post what you like here. Don't be confused by the bullies and the rather snarky ones. You are perfectly fine.
Oh, and I must also add that I am sure that the moderators would have done something about it if there was a problem. KBoy, Frungie, and everyone else who can relate to me, we are all together as one group here. Live, love, and enjoy.
The title clearly says it, "all things poop related", I don't think it's impolite to talk about it here at all.

Personally, I think it feels incredible, the nappy keeps it contained, I love sharing my experiences with you and I'm not hurting anyone for sharing it, I even clarify I enjoy it because I can control it, so I don't see anything bad at all about it.
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Pooping isn’t for everyone. I’ve done it at various times over the years but the feeling wasn’t with the clean up.
Hemix said:
The title clearly says it, "all things poop related", I don't think it's impolite to talk about it here at all.

Personally, I think it feels incredible, the nappy keeps it contained, I love sharing my experiences with you and I'm not hurting anyone for sharing it, I even clarify I enjoy it because I can control it, so I don't see anything bad at all about it.
Thank you, Hemix. You and KBoy have been really supportive of this particular branch, if you will, of the ABDL community. Your support means so much to not only me, but to many others. Baby Emily and I were just talking about this, and it is one of the reasons why she has chosen not to be an Adisc member, sad to say. She has had her own family members beat her up, and they have even institutionalized her when she was twelve years old. Though the psychiatrist told them that she wasn't a danger to herself or anyone else and that her ways were completely normal, they just wouldn't stop hurting her. So when she turned 18, she parted ways with them and moved here from an area I am not going to disclose for her safety and wellbeing. Sad to say, but those who did this to her were ultra-religious, and she and I have so much in common as far as that goes. She had to deal with her own parents, brother, and two sisters whereas I only had to deal with my older brother, but it wasn't because of this, which I had kept secret from everyone in my family, but rather, other things. Once again, many thanks for your support.
Frungie said:
I'm confused now, so as not to be offensive, I won't post about the current status of my diaper until this gets sorted out. I certainly agree that messing is not for everyone and BabyBoy2023 who started the post appropriately labeled the topic to let everyone know what would be discussed. Whether messing is AB or DL, or even Incontinence would be discussion, in my opinion, that crosses all three areas.
Hi, Frungie,
How are you? I'm doing well. There is nothing to fear at all. KBoy, Hemix, and I have things well lined out, and we basically told the others our point of view. They had the right to speak their minds, but to say this goes against the ABDL community is false. You would be shocked if you knew how many others enjoy their soiled diapers and such. I thought perhaps I was the only one, but then, I found my two-year-old nephew at the time doing what I used to as a boy his age, and I realized there were perhaps more. So I went on line, and low and behold, I read countless accounts of others who enjoyed their poop as babies and toddlers and still do. I found both ABDL's with and without incontinence issues, and they are of different ages and sex. So the message to you is simple: Be you, do what you do, and enjoy life, my friend, because it only lasts a little while. Accept you for who you are, cut ties with bullies, and just know that you will always be supported by someone, and I am one of those who have your back. You have nothing to fear but fear itself, as Winston Churchill once said.

Kindest regards, BabyBoy2023

To thine own self be true.
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Btw, I'd like to point out that pooping in your diapers isn't necessarily a thing of AB. In fact, I hated it when I was a kid and I only started to like it once I was starting to get sexually mature. I don't even consider myself an AB, I just share some common likes.

Like others previously said, you relieve yourself while going, and furthermore, nerve stimulation and our past can encourage us to keep doing it.

That said, I wish I could go at home, I'd wear bigger ones and maybe plastic pants, so I wouldn't have to worry about dirtying other things nor about changing anytime soon.

Because I almost always mess at the natural park, which isn't too far from home, I only sit down outside when the mess is firm and more or less small 😁
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I appreciate the supportive comments just as my morning Cushies cloth back diaper is supporting the mess in my diaper at the moment.
Hemix said:
Btw, I'd like to point out that pooping in your diapers isn't necessarily a thing of AB. In fact, I hated it when I was a kid and I only started to like it once I was starting to get sexually mature. I don't even consider myself an AB, I just share some common likes.

Like others previously said, you relieve yourself while going, and furthermore, nerve stimulation and our past can encourage us to keep doing it.

That said, I wish I could go at home, I'd wear bigger ones and maybe plastic pants, so I wouldn't have to worry about dirtying other things nor about changing anytime soon.

Because I almost always mess at the natural park, which isn't too far from home, I only sit down outside when the mess is firm and more or less s

Hemix said:
Btw, I'd like to point out that pooping in your diapers isn't necessarily a thing of AB. In fact, I hated it when I was a kid and I only started to like it once I was starting to get sexually mature. I don't even consider myself an AB, I just share some common likes.

Like others previously said, you relieve yourself while going, and furthermore, nerve stimulation and our past can encourage us to keep doing it.

That said, I wish I could go at home, I'd wear bigger ones and maybe plastic pants, so I wouldn't have to worry about dirtying other things nor about changing anytime soon.

Because I almost always mess at the natural park, which isn't too far from home, I only sit down outside when the mess is firm and more or less small 😁
Hi, Hemix,
How are you? I'm doing great. I wish to clarify that it is part of my AB as it gives me the same pleasure I got as a baby around 1.5 years of age and well into my third year of life. Just read my story in Autobiographical Vignettes and you will know everything there is to know about the origin of my becoming an ABDL. Take care.

Kindest regards,
I have been urinary incontinent for a good number of years - I have recently been having bm accidents - since new year I have finally given in and am now just using my nappies whenever I need to - so back to both wet and dirty nappies like I was when I was a boy - must admit adapting to pooing my nappy has been really quick and it is a really nice feeling - clean ups are not as bad as I thought - does feel a bit naughty though
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If anyone does not like All Things Poop Related, stop reading now. I wet my Crinklz Fairytale diaper throughout the night, waking up with a wet bulging diaper in the front. Got my coffee, then while walking to my laptop I relaxed and messed my diaper. The warm mess filling my diaper actually made me shudder with pleasure, often referred to as a "poogasm." Now that I am sitting here my diaper is warm, wet, messy, and squishy. Pooping my diaper is such a natural and simple pleasure of life that does not affect anyone else, not even my wife because going poopy in my diapee is done in the early morning solitude before she gets up. I will not be changing right away because I am going to get my morning exercise while wet and messy. Patting and squeezing the front of my diaper is another reminder how wet I am. There is no mess in the front, just in the back where my poopy belongs. As much as I enjoy a messy diaper, I don't like the mess in the front of my diaper. If that happens I change my diaper to avoid any risk of contracting a UTI due to e coli bacteria. When I change for work, I am going to put on another Crinklz Fairytale diaper. I'll wet throughout the day while around colleagues very discreetly. The expanded SAP in the front should be adequately concealed by a sweater I plan to wear. Several drops of baby powder scented oil in my diaper will keep me smelling fresh and clean even after 10 hours of a wet diaper. Of course no messy diaper at work.
I like to poop my diapers because it makes me feel like a toddler. I'm currently wearing a poopy blue Tykables Puppers diaper.
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My NRU Str8UP blue diaper is very wet this morning and I just messed my diaper 15 minutes ago. I'll enjoy the warm, lumpy, squishy sensations for an hour or so before I change.
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I very much enjoy my poopy diapers! For me, nearly every morning when I wake up I fill the seat if my diaper. I'm up about 415am, get the coffee going, put my lunch together, and check emails while in my poopy diaper. Rarely I'm not able to poop in the morning, but by the afternoon it's time and I'm not able to stop it. If at work, I immediately change obviously, but if I can make it till I'm heading home, then I get to spend a good 30 minutes sitting in my messy diaper in the car, and I might even make a stop at Starbucks or something for an afternoon coffee, depending on my stink level of course, not going to offend anyone!
Point is, I am def a poopy diaper lover!
Similar to NortwestDiaperDude, I am up early in the morning well before my wife gets out of bed. I wet during the night, so my diaper is pretty wet when I get up. My poopy habits are well conditioned with a messy diaper 95% of the time within 15 minutes. This morning is no different with a nice large soft, warm mess in my Classico V2 diaper. I have the best squish sitting here without any leaks or diaper blowouts. I actually exercised for an hour already in my wet and soiled diapee. I guess you can say that I am fit and full. I have another Classico V2 diaper ready for work but no messes around my colleagues although I'll wet throughout the day.